3 Basic Usage
The HD2 needs to be connected to its audio sources and sinks, of course. It works with different
programs for its DSPs according to the loudspeaker configuration (number of ways, mode of
equalization, downsampling rates, etc.) and with different FIR filters (if FIR equalization is selected).
The setups and filters can be uploaded from the PC or downloaded to the PC and stored on disk. The
DSP programs are uploaded automatically. The user can just forget about them.
A total number of up to 30 setups can be uploaded simultaneously. The maximum number of FIR filters
is limited to 50 by the program structure but may be lower in reality due to the internal memory size.
The setups contain the total state of the HD2, that is, the routing setup, selected programs and filters,
EQ settings etc. Also the FIR filters are stored in the setup. You can download the setup to the hard disk
and transfer it to another HD2. Since all necessary information is inside the setup, the user just has to
recall the setup in the second HD2 which will behave just like the source HD2.
3.1 Network Setup
To configure the HD2 externally via a remote PC, it contains a network chip with an own MAC address
which is unique for the HD2. Thus, the HD2 has to be integrated in a network via its Ethernet connector
which can happen in two different ways:
1. If the network is managed by a DHCP server, the HD2 will automatically obtain an own IP.
2. If only static IP addresses without any DHCP server are used, you have to establish a
connection between the remote PC and the HD2 either directly via an Ethernet patch cable or
by using a switch. Connect the HD2s and the PC to the switch. The HD2s then must have
different IP addresses which share the subnet with the PC's IP address.
The HD2 communicates with the remote PC via an own TCP/IP protocol. This requires the appropriate
network setup on the PC.
In case that a DHCP server is used in the network and the PC is already connected to the network, no
further actions are required.
If direct communication between PC and HD2 is desired, the both PC and HD2 have to be in the same
subnet. The default IP address of the HD2 is Thus, open the network configuration on
your PC and modify the properties of the TCP/IP protocol such that the PC has an IP address in the
same subnet, e.g.
If you are using more than one HD2s at a time, you have to assign different IP addresses. This is
Fig. 2: TCP/IP configuration