setup lists are updated. If a non-empty entry is selected, a warning pops up, that the setup stored at
that position is about to be overwritten.
Downloading a Setup
A setup can be downloaded to hard disk for archiving or uploading it to another HD2. Clicking on the
Download to PC
button opens a dialog with a drop-down list which allows to select the setup to be
downloaded. After the desired setup has been selected by
Select Setup
, the directory to store the setup
to can be selected. The filename is derived from the display name and the extension is 'hd2'.
Uploading a Setup
A setup which was stored to the hard disk can be uploaded easily. Clicking the
Upload to HD2
opens a dialog where you can either enter the name of the setup file directly or click
to search
for it in a file selection dialog. Select a position to upload to. Selecting a non empty list entry will
overwrite the setup at that position.
After successful uploading, the setup list in the system tab is refreshed.
4.6.3 Configuration Wizard
In the Advanced tab, you find a button labelled
Configuration Wizard
. After clicking the button, you can
select the type of crossover filters, a routing, multipath options and the clock. At any step in the wizard,
you can
, make a step
or proceed to the
one. The entered data will be sent to the
HD2 only after submitting by clicking
on the last page.
After the introduction screen (not shown), the following dialog comes up:
Please select the type of crossover filters. If you want to use IIR filters, then, there's nothing more to do
here. When you select FIR filters, additional controls show up:
Fig. 7: X-Over dialog
Fig. 8: X-Over dialog with FIR filters