LED at the corresponding input indicators. To change the input, push the button below the indicator.
Input Delay
Function: Input specific delay. Influences input and all connected outputs
Position: After the PEQ-Bank in the input path
Range: Minimum: 0. Maximum depends on the delay used in the FIR filter and the outputs.
Comments: In this menu, the input to be adjusted is shown on the display and indicated by a lit
LED at the corresponding input indicators. To change the input, push the button below the indicator.
Channel Gain
Function: Output specific gain
Position: After the PEQ-Bank in the output path
Range: -12 to +6 dB
Comments: In this menu, the output to be adjusted is shown on the display and indicated by a lit
LED at the corresponding output indicators. To change the output, push the button below the indicator.
Channel Delay
Function: Overall delay applied to every input
Position: After the PEQ-Bank in the input path
Range: Minimum: 0. Maximum depends on the delay used in the FIR filter and the outputs.
Comments: The delay uses a variant memory pool inside the DSP. That is, if e.g. a high master delay is
used, the maximum channel delay decreases and vice versa.
In this menu, the input to be adjusted is shown on the display and indicated by a lit
LED at the
corresponding input indicators. To change the input, push the button below the indicator.
Reset IP
Pushing the knob in this menu resets the IP to the default value After restarting the HD2,
it uses this IP.
Comments: If the HD2 is connected to a DHCP router, this setting has no effect, since the IP assigned
by the router is used.
Additionally, a LED labelled
shows network activity in general, while
signals network activity
for this very HD2.
Earlier versions:
Earlier versions differ from the description as follows:
is called
2. the levels are given relative to full scale.
LED is not provided