4.8 Limiter Tab
In the limiter tab, you can edit the limiter settings for each output.
To edit the values, simply click on the cells. Some cells display left-arrows. This is due to either the use
of multipath filters or copying of paths from higher to lower channels. The meaning is that the value in
this cell is taken from the cell to the right.
Since version 1075.4.2, the dialog has changed. A new feature is the switch between different units (W,
dB, dBu, V) and the reference to either the amplifier output or the HD2 output. The switches are located
at the bottom right of the dialog. If dB, dBu or volts are used, the impedance of the speaker is used for
The single values have the following meaning
Gain of the amplifier in dB
Contin. Output
Continuous output power of the amplifier in Watts (or different unit determined
by the switch at the bottom right)
When the capacitors of the amps are full, more than the continuous output
power can be drawn for a short time. This is the value above the cont. power
that can be drawn.
Surge Duration
See above. Specifies the time in ms, in which more power can be drawn from
the amp
Thermo limit
RMS power/voltage which causes the voice coil to be overheated and will
activate the thermo limiter
RMS time const.
When thermo limiter is active and the output power goes below the Thermo
limit, specifies the release time of the limiter
Peak limit
Output power in Watts which causes the peak limiter to get activated
Loudspeaker impedance, necessary for limiter calculations
Fig. 15: Limiter settings