In the “Zombie” mode, players who are in one of the teams (“Zombies”), when they get
into the sets of players of the other team (“Hunters”), “repaint” them in their color, i.e. turn
also into zombies. Alternatively, in this mode, you can set the condition for the early
completion of the scenario “There is only one team left” - either they struck all the zombies,
or turned all “Hunters” into “Zombies”.
The inclusion of the "Vampire" mode allows the player, when hitting an opponent, not
only to take health units from him, but also add them to himself.
Game Type Selection Tab
The next tab is “Additional Equipment”.
In the tab, you can select the equipment that
will participate in the edited scenario.
The program supports the use of up to 4 Smart Domination Boxes in the game and 8
Multistations and SIRIUS Stations each.