Installing the S4810 System
The S4810 system can be accessed directly through the console port at I/O side of the switch.
Access the RJ-45 console port (RS-232)
The RS-232 console port is labeled on the S4810 chassis. It is in the upper right-hand side, as you face the
I/O side of the chassis.
Figure 10
S4810 serial console port connector
To access the console port, follow the procedures below. Refer to
for the console port pinout.
Chapter 6
Access the console ports
Before starting this procedure, be sure you have a terminal emulation program already installed on
your PC.
Install an RJ-45 copper cable into the console port. Use a rollover cable to connect the S4810
console port to a terminal server.
Connect the other end of the cable to the DTE terminal server.
Default terminal settings on the console are set as follows:
• 9600 baud rate
• No parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• No flow control
Console Port