To set events that have been activated by a change of state in the input sensors on the receivers.
Click on the Events/eventos icon to open the window below:
1.- List of programmed events/lista de eventos programados: shows the events in process.
2.- New/nuevo: for creating a new event. The available options are the following:
A.- Configuration/configuración: to select the activation options.
1.- Name/nombre: insert the name of the event.
2.- Sensor: select the sensor that will activate the event. The sensor configuration by default must
be selected as E/S in devices.
3.- Configuration/configuración: select the type of event. The available options are:
Level/nivel: the event is maintained while the sensor is activated.
Pulse/pulso: the event is activated by the change in state of the sensor, by default. You can
choose that the event lasts a certain amount of time/duración por tiempo or as long as the
selected audio file/duracion de audio.
4.- Use audio/usar audio: to select the audio file that will be played while the event is active.
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