1.- Message/mensaje Window: shows the programmed messages in process.
2.- New/nuevo: for creating a new programmed message.
A.- Configuration/configuración: for establishing the message transmission date and time parameters
and selecting the audio track to be played.
B.- Devices/dispositivos: for selecting the receivers that the programmed message is to be sent to and
activating an event in the output relays of each one independently. Furthermore, the specific
volume that you want the message to be played at can be selected.
3.- Information/información: shows the name of the message, the file route, the programmed time and the
days that the message is programmed for.
4.- Devices/dispositivos: when you select a message from the programmed message window, the devices
that it has been assigned to will be shown.
5.- Delete/borrar: to delete the selected programmed message.
6.- Edit/editar: to change the configuration of the selected programmed message.
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