background image

On –

when in, switches on the overdrive.

Overdrive –

adds rounded overdrive to the signal, similar to

valve distortion.The overdrive also contains speaker
simulation, so you can, for example, record overdriven
guitar by plugging the guitar into the ToneFactory™,
and the ToneFactory™ straight into the recorder.

Bright –

turns off speaker simulation in the overdrive section.

U s i n g   t h e   P a r a m e t r i c   E q u a l i s e r

The Parametric Equaliser is a sophisticated tone control,
that boosts or cuts selected frequency bands, and so
modifies the tone quality of the signal.You normally use
the Tone Controller to set the overall tone of the signal,
then use the Parametric Equaliser to fine tune the sound.
For example, you can use it to fix problems with the
original sound (by removing frequencies), or to help a track
stand out in the mix (by accentuating frequencies).

In –

when lit, switches on the Parametric Equaliser.

Band 1 –

is used to fine tune the bass.

Band 2 –

is used to fine tune the middle and treble.

dB –

cuts or boosts the frequency selected using the Freq

control for this band.

Freq –

selects a frequency band to cut or boost, centred on

the selected frequency.

Bell –

when in, the cut or boost applied to the selected

frequency band is changed to a bell shape (see picture).
This has the effect of emphasising the selected
frequency, since the cut or boost applied is reduced as
you move away from it.

Fine –

when in, reduces the width of the frequency band that

is affected.You normally use this in conjunction with
the Bell button, to notch out a small range of unwanted
frequencies (for example, fret rattle on a guitar).

U s i n g   t h e   N o i s e   G a t e

The Noise Gate reduces the volume of quiet sections in
the performance, and so can be used to remove 
background noise.

In –

when lit, switches on the Noise Gate.

Threshold – 

determines when noise reduction begins.The

higher the threshold, the more low-level noise is reduced.

Hold –

when in, changes the Release/Hold control from a

release control to a hold control.The difference between
them appears when the signal passes below the
threshold: with release, the gate starts to shut, at the
speed determined by the Release control; with hold, the
gate stays open for the time determined by the Hold
control, then shuts immediately.When recording an
instrument on its own, you usually use Release as this
sounds most natural.

Release/Hold –

adjusts the release or hold of the gate

(depending on whether the Hold button is lit) from Fast
(F) to Slow (S). Release determines how quickly the
gate shuts once the signal has passed below the
threshold. Use Release on a signal where the gate
should close quite quickly in a controlled manner. Hold
determines how long the gate stays open once the signal
has passed below the threshold. On a signal that has, for
example, a short transient then reverb that you want to
record, use Hold to hold the gate open so that the
quieter reverb is not lost.

Fast –

when in, makes the gate open very quickly when the

signal passes the threshold. Use this on signals that have a
very fast attack (such as a snare drum), so that the gate
does not cut off the beginning of the signal.

Deep –

when in, reduces all background noise to below the

natural hearing level.This should only be used to clean
up a noisy signal when mixing down, as its effect can be
too drastic when recording, causing signal drop outs.

Shut –

when in, the gate is shut so no signal is being

allowed through.

U s i n g   t h e   M a s t e r   F a d e r

The Master Fader is used to match the output level from
the ToneFactory™ to the input level of the next unit in the
chain (such as a DAT recorder or PC sound card).When
setting the output level, always start quietly and increase the
output level until you reach the correct level - do not start

p a g e   7

E n g l i s h

S H E L F   /   B E L L   /   F I N E


Normal Mode – Shelf 




0 dB



0 dB

Bell Mode


ToneFactory Userguide  a/w  14/1/2000  11:40 am  Page 7

Summary of Contents for ToneFactory

Page 1: ...ToneFactory w 14 1 2000 11 40 am Page 1...

Page 2: ...assistera pendant de longue ann s d eregistrement Si vous souhaitez nous faire partager vos exp riences en enregistrement anvoyez nous un courrier lectronique l adresse suivante sales focusrite com GR...

Page 3: ...19 Obtention d un son de guitare acoustique de bonne qualit 20 Obtention d un son de synth tiseur de bonne qualit 20 Obtention d un son de batterie de bonne qualit 20 ToneFactory Flow Diagram 33 Spani...

Page 4: ...onsole Mixage Bango Missaggio Mixing Console Mischpult Console Mixage Bango Missaggio External Unit Externes Effekt Ger t Unit Extreme Unit Esterna Note Stereo Jack only Nur mit Stereostecker verwend...

Page 5: ...particularly if you are not familiar with all of its separate parts is to try each control in turn Finally try them all together to see the creative potential of using all the power in the ToneFactor...

Page 6: ...e threshold the more the signal is compressed By setting a threshold you compress the signal only when it is louder than the threshold so that quieter passages maintain their natural dynamic range and...

Page 7: the speed determined by the Release control with hold the gate stays open for the time determined by the Hold control then shuts immediately When recording an instrument on its own you usually use...

Page 8: ...Ratio to get the sound you want If you want a bass sound that has a lot of attack make sure the Fast button is not lit If you want a more rounded bass sound with less attack switch on the Fast button...

Page 9: ...sible for sound from one part of the kit to bleed into the microphone on another part of the kit For example the mic on the snare might also pick up the sound of the bass drum or high hat When mixing...

Page 10: eine Aufnahme ohne Kompression und geben Sie diese mit der ToneFactory wieder Am einfachsten lernen Sie die ToneFactory kennen indem Sie zun chst jeden Regler einzeln anwenden und dann wieder in di...

Page 11: ...reshold die Absenkung der Lautst rke ausl st Auf diese Weise wird derVerlauf einer Aufnahme gegl ttet da die Unterschiede zwischen leisen und lauten Passagen ausgeglichen werden In Dr cken Sie den In...

Page 12: ...wenden um klangliche Schw chen des Eingangssignals auszubessern indem Sie problematische Frequenzbereiche entfernen oder um eine Spur beim Abmischen hervorzuheben In Dr cken Sie diesen Schalter um den...

Page 13: ...beim Abmischen zum S ubern von Signalen mit starken Nebenger uschen verwenden Beim Aufnehmen kann der Effekt zu drastisch wirken und zu h rbaren Aussetzern Dropouts f hren Shut Wenn dieser Schalter l...

Page 14: ...n Sie daher die Filter der ToneFactory hinzu und verwenden Sie den Low Regler um die B sse wieder etwas abzusenken Auch k nne Sie in der Regel einen helleren Klang erzielen indem Sie das Mikrofon in R...

Page 15: ...e dabei nicht aktiviert sein Wie Sie Einstreuungen von anderen Schlagzeuginstrumenten entfernen Biem Aufnehmen von Schlagzeug kann es zu Einstreuungen von anderen Teilen des Drumkits kommen So nimmt b...

Page 16: ...le les essais de l Opto compresseur Si c est le cas essayez d utiliser un chantillonneur si vous disposez d un tel mat riel ou utilisez vos propres morceaux enregistr s sans compression avec le ToneFa...

Page 17: Threshold Cet effet permet donc d obtenir un niveau plus constant dans un morceau vitant par exemple d avoir un chant trop fort ou trop faible dans le mixage In Cette touche est allum e lorsque la...

Page 18: ...ant certaines fr quences La bande 1 est utilis e pour r gler les basses et la bande 2 pour r gler les m diums et les aigus In Lorsqu elle est allum e cette touche permet de mettre le correcteur param...

Page 19: ...aster Fader sur 0 et r gler les niveaux en utilisant la console Obtention d un son de guitare lectrique de bonne qualit Connectez la guitare l entr e instrument vous devez directement entendre un son...

Page 20: ...che Bell et ajoutez du gain l aide du potentiom tre dB Veillez ce que le t moin de la touche Fine ne soit pas allum 2 R glez la fr quence l aide du potentiom tre Freq jusqu accentuer la fr quence supp...

Page 21: ...osse caisse par exemple utilisez les filtres avec la fonction Corrective active en r glant le potentiom tre Low sur environ 500 Hz Utilisation du noise gate 1 Placez la piste en solo pour valuer l amp...

Page 22: ...le potenzialit creative offerte dal ToneFactory specialmente se non conoscete bene le varie sezioni quello di provare gli effetti che i singoli controlli producono sul suono intervenendo prima su uno...

Page 23: un suono pi uniforme senza brusche variazioni di intensit della voce ad esempio all interno del mix In Per attivare la sezione necessario premere questo tasto si illumina Threshold Usate il control...

Page 24: ...ta per ritoccare il suono del basso Band 2 Usata per intervenire con precisione sul treble e sulle medie frequenze dB Controlla l entit del guadagno o dell attenuazione applicata alle frequenze selezi...

Page 25: ...are Il tasto Hi Mid dovrebbe essere illuminato cos da lavorare con i controlli centrati attorno alle frequenze della chitarra Quando si usa l Overdrive preferibile avere la funzione Bright non attiva...

Page 26: ...potreste influenzare il tono complessivo dello strumento attenuando troppo tutte le ricorrenze della frequenza isolata Ottenere un Buon Suono per il Synth Se il sintetizzatore rumoroso un vecchio syn...

Page 27: ...avere un del suono emete i tasti To Audio e To Gate ontrolli Low e High finch non terferenza e cercando di lasciare mponenti della batteria e dei piatti a della grancassa ad es ruotate olli Low ed Hi...

Page 28: ...Leer en las siguientes secciones que le introducir n en el conocimiento de cada parte que compone la unidad Puesta en Marcha de la Unidad Conectar la unidad como se muestra anteriormente Si se desea...

Page 29: ...Compresor Threshold determina en que momento el Opto Compresor empezar a comprimir la se al a menor threshold mayor se al se comprimir Al seleccionar un umbral solo se comprimir n la se al cuando supe...

Page 30: ...n ancho de frecuencias menor por ejemplo para eliminar el trasteo de las guitarras Uso de la Noise Gate La Noise Gate reduce el volumen en los pasajes m s silenciosos y eso mismo se puede utilizar par...

Page 31: ...y Overdrive El Overdrive en el ToneFactory es una herramienta de din mica puesto que variando el volumen de la se al de entrada var a la cantidad de overdrive que se aplica As mismo al variar la din m...

Page 32: ...eleccionar los 200 Hz en el control Freq y para los Toms bajos en los 100 Hz Para ganar en ataque utilizar la Band 2 del Parametric Equaliser con el Bell iluminado situar el control Freq alrededor de...

Page 33: 33 T o n e F a c t o r y w 14 1 2000 11 41 am Page 33...

Page 34: ...www focusrite com w 14 1 2000 11 41 am Page 34...

Page 35: ...thorised distributor worldwide will do its best to ensure the fault is remedied as quickly as possible This warranty is in addition to your statutory rights This warranty does not cover any of the fol...

Page 36: Engineering Ltd Lincoln Road High Wycombe Bucks HP12 3FX England Phone 44 0 1494 462246 FAX 44 0 1494 459920 e mail sales focusrite com www focusrite com Focusrite audio engineering w 14 1 2000 11...
