Press the
Exp Key 3
button (the configured multi-functional key) to ring 010235689 quickly.
6.5 Call Park
Call Park is a feature of some telephone systems that allows a person to put a call on hold at one telephone set and continue the conversation
from any other telephone set.
During an active call, pressing one preprogrammed multi-functional key button to transfer the current telephone conversation to an unused
extension number and immediately puts the conversation on hold. The telephone system will then display the extension number of the parked
call so that the call can later be retrieved.
If no one picks up the parked call within the set time, the telephone system may ring back the parked call. This transfers the parked call back to
the person who originally parked the call.
The example below describes the steps to configuration the call park from Webpage, user can also configuration from
Adding Call Park:
Step 1.View the parking settings in server, below is an example in
Step 2.Log in the web, open
Phone/Multi-functional Key
Step 3.Choose one Exp key (assuming is Exp Key 6), and configuration as follows, user can refer to
7.6.2 Multi-functional Key
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