Draft and possible run out of gasoline
Operation with low fuel in the tank or other operation that generates a air draft
from the injection pump (ex. caused by the shaking of the vehicle and then by the
oscillation of fuel in the tanks) leads to a sudden deterioration of the fuel pump
and the wear of the engine with the risk of possible breakage. In fact, the air
bubbles sucked do not come back in good percentage to the tank, but they must
be expelled through the injectors. (In a case of E.F.I. engine)
The disassembly and assembly of the mechanical fuel pumps MUST BE DONE
ONLY FROM FLYGAS. A disassembly of the pump without written authorization
from Flygas, lifts Flygas from any responsibility.
It is suggested to insert between tank and fuel
pump a "Gascolator” (filter and
water decanter) with appropriately sized sections to separate presence of
moisture or water in gasoline and retain dirt in order to avoid the clog of the inlet
pumps filter.
Inspect frequently the cleanliness of the filter, considering that its eventual
blockage (because of the small total surface and the filtering fine pattern it may
happen), would reduce the passage of gasoline causing the wear of the engine
with the potential risk of breakage of the Oldham Joint and sudden turn off.
From the fuel pressure regulator to the tank
The fuel pressure regulator has an exit hole that returns to the tank to constantly dispose the
amount of exceeding gasoline. The connection pipe will have an internal section not less than 6
mm of diameter, if the length does not exceed 2 meters, otherwise we must increase the diameter
according to the increased length to re-establish the proper flow.
Use pipe and fittings of aircraft type (Aeroquip) resistant to 10 bar pressure and gasoline so called
" Green”, taking care that the connectors are mounted to the heads of the tubes in the correct way,
as indicated by manufacturer Aeroquip.
The return of the fuel must have a low resistance to the flow. From the pressure
regulator to the tanks the maximum tolerated pressure drop is 0.1 bar
Long periods of fuel pump inactivity or fuel pressure regulator can lead to a
deterioration of these elements and of their components. The downtime should
not exceed 30 consecutive days. The presence of water, even in very small
quantities, could irreparably damage the components compromising the function
of the complete system.