Logger Specifications and
The XDL12 data logger is at home in a wide range of heat-treatment
applications where a logger is required to operate outside the high-temperature
environment. The XDL12’s capacity for 18,000 data readings over each of 12
data channels makes it a supremely powerful, accurate and in-depth data-
collection tool. Its capability for hardwired telemetry, in conjunction with
Datapaq Insight software, allows temperature profiles to be watched developing
– and be analyzed – in real time. A single instance of Insight will simultaneously
support up to three XDL12 loggers collecting data by hardwired telemetry,
allowing data from 36 channels to be gathered.
The XDL12 data logger. Thermocouple sockets are on the rear of the unit.
The logger’s key features are:
Twelve thermocouple channels for maximum data collection on each run.
Individual loggers can be supplied with combinations of different
thermocouple types (see specifications, below).
Specifications and Operation