Copyright © 2022 Comark Instruments
Can the transmitters work over a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?
Diligence 600 transmitters may work via a VPN connection, provided that the relevant ports
are open.
Which processes trigger a connection to the Diligence Cloud?
The transmitter will only connect to the Diligence Cloud under the following circumstances:
Regular radio rate
The pre-determined radio rate as programmed, typically once per
If manually provoked
If the WiFi Button on the front of the transmitter is pressed to
initiate a radio session
In the event of a High or Low Alert
If a High or Low Alerts is programmed, the
transmitter will wake up and send the data to the Diligence Cloud, when the configured
limits are exceeded.
In the event of a High or Low Alarm
If a High or Low Alarms is programmed, the
transmitter will wake up and send the data to the Diligence Cloud, when the configured
limits are exceeded.
When an alarm ceases
If an alarm event comes to an end, and the measurements
return to within set limits, the transmitter will wake up and send the data to the Diligence
- A broken sensor, mains status change and low or dead battery will also cause the
transmitter to wake up and connect to the Diligence Cloud to inform the user.
All of the following state changes will also result in an automatic radio session:
Normal to Alert Status
Alert Status to Alarm Status
Alarm Status to Alert or Normal Status
The change of state from Alert to Normal Status will not cause a radio session.
Will I still get my alarms if the Internet goes down?
No. Only local alarms on the transmitter will be possible while the Internet is down.
What if there is a local power cut, what happens to my data?
In the event of a local power cut leading to a loss of mains power and or the local WiFi network
and Internet, then the transmitters will continue to log normally and will send their data to the
Diligence Cloud once power is restored.