Medical ScopeMeter
Recorder Functions
Recorder Functions
This section provides a step-by-step introduction to the recorder functions of the test tool and
gives examples to show how to use the menus and perform basic operations.
Recorder Main Menu
First choose a measurement in scope or meter mode. Now you can choose the recorder
functions from the recorder main menu.
to open the RECORDER menu.
Measurements Over Time (TrendPlot™)
Use the TrendPlot function to plot a graph of Scope or Meter measurements (readings) as
function of time. Trendplot Meter is only available with models 190M-2-III.
Because the navigation for the TrendPlot Scope and the TrendPlot Meter are identical,
only Scope TrendPlot is explained in this manual.
TrendPlot Function
To start a TrendPlot:
1. Make automatic Scope or Meter measurements, see
The readings plot on the display.
2. Press
to open the RECORDER main menu.
3. Use
h i
to highlight
Trend Plot
4. Press
to start the TrendPlot recording.
The test tool continuously records the digital readings of the measurements and displays
these as a graph. The TrendPlot graph rolls from right to left like a paper chart recorder.
Observe that the recorded time from start appears at the bottom of the screen. The present
reading appears at the top of the screen. See
5. Press
to set RECORDER to STOP to freeze the recorder function.
6. Press
to set RECORDER to RUN to restart.
When simultaneously TrendPlotting two readings, the screen area is split into two
sections of four divisions each. When simultaneously TrendPlotting three or four
readings, the screen area is split into three or four sections of two divisions each.