StarTalk™ DTM Help for StarPac 3 System
© Flowserve Corporation
Version 1.0.0 – Printed November 1, 2013
Detailed StarPac 3 Register Menu
This reference will aid you in understanding the configuration of the StarPac 3 register table. Registers
are described and notes are provided that give the range and more detailed information.
The StarPac 3 register table consists of three different types of information: integers, IEEE floating point
numbers and strings. These types can have a read only (RO) access attribute or a read/write (RW)
access attribute. You can only read RO registers. Writing to a RO register will generate an exception
error. You can both read and write to RW registers.
The register numbering is as follows: a 30000 base indicates RO integers, a 40000 base indicates
RW integers, a 70000 base indicates floating point numbers, and a 50000 base indicates strings. For
example, a register number of 30003 indicates a RO integer.
Two contiguous integer registers make up a floating point register. You will get an exception response if
you try to access into the middle of a floating point register.
Registers making up bit fields follow the MSB/LSB (Most Significant Byte/Least Significant Byte) format.
Internally, Flowserve calculates the StarPac 3 variable numbers by taking the module of the register
number and 10,000 and subtracting
1. For example, register number 30001 would become variable number 0.