Limitorque Master Station III FCD LMENIM5001-02 – 12/13
10.4 Error Messages
Problem Saving File – Media Error (Full, Write Protected, Corrupted)
No USB Device Selected - Configuration save attempted without a USB device inserted in a USB port,
and selected.
Error Adding User - Duplicate User entry
Error Saving To Config File - Media Error (Full, Write Protected, Corrupted)
10.5 Network Communication
10.5.1 DCS communication via RS-232/422/485
Unable to establish comm’s with the DCS
a. Confirm null modem cable connection, if using RS-232
b. Verify DCS address setting
c. Verify baud rate, handshaking, start bit settings
d. Check host system settings
e. Test the cable, replace if defective
10.5.2 DCS communication via Modbus TCP/IP
Unable to establish comm’s with the DCS
a. Confirm IP address settings
b. In command mode, ping the MSIII, if no response, verify the MSIII and the host are on
the same network
c. Verify Ethernet path from host to the MSIII
10.5.3 MSIII communication to the MOV network
Unable to establish comm’s with the MOV’s
a. Confirm proper cable connections on the first MOV in the loop and the MSIII. RS-485
is polarity sensitive
b. Confirm RS-485 baud rate settings match MOV baud rate settings
c. Confirm MSIII is configured for Modbus RTU mode
d. Verify timing settings (timeout, prop delay, RTS on delay)