C1 and C2
Page 4-1
devices are always parameterised via the GAS-WORKS software
system with a PC or laptop. All
devices are parameterised with the
same GAS-WORKS module, called GW-GNET+.
The next two sections generally explain how to create or edit a complete
parameterisation using GW-GNET+ and how to export it to the device. It is easy
to learn how to work with the parameterisation program. As soon as you have
mastered the techniques you only need to know the meaning and effect of each
adjustable parameter, no matter which
device type is actually con-
cerned. This is why we have enclosed a complete parameter list with additional
information in the annex to this documentation.
For a detailed description of the parameterisation program, please refer to the
GW-GNET+ online help. It also describes other editing methods the parameteri-
sation program offers.
We recommend activating the context-sensitive online help of GW-GNET+ in
case of concrete questions.
4.1 Creating and exporting a gas-net parameter data
record: Brief description
Should you want to create a completely new
parameterisation, please
proceed as follows:
1. Start GW-BASE from the Windows environment by double-clicking the
lantern icon.
Please refer to the GAS-WORKS CD-ROM, which is part of the delivery scope of each
device, for further information on the GAS-WORKS program system with all the
possibilities it provides. All GAS-WORKS components can be installed from this CD, which
also contains the operating instructions for all GAS-WORKS modules, in particular GW-
It is possible to change the device parameterisation or individual parameters when the
data connection between computer and device is established. These methods are
advantageous to different situations: For instance, particular parts of the parameterisation
can be exchanged in the GW-GNET+
Edit parameterisation
mode, even if the user
switch is closed. In the
Change parameter
mode parameters characterised as
can be edited without a device restart being necessary.