2.0 Manufacture
The materials used to manufacture the piece parts in FloPlasts AAV’s are defined in section 1 above and in the main
use conventional injection moulding techniques. The EPDM poppet seal and the ‘O’ rings used to seal the lids are pur-
chased from rubber manufacturing specialists and are assembled on the poppets and bodies respectively.
As a part of the assessment and ongoning surveillance of product quality under FloPlast’s Kitemark accrediation
(KM51247), BSI has:
Agreed with FloPlast the quality control procedures and product testing to be undertaken.
Assessed and agreed the quality control operated over batches of incoming materials.
Monitored the production process and verified that it is in accoirdance with the documented process.
Evaluated the process for manufacturing non-conformities.
Checked that all equipment has been properly tested and calibrated.
Undertaken to carry out the above measures as a part of the surveillance process to verify that the specifications and
quality control being operated by FloPlast are being maintained.
The management systems of FloPlast have been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of BS EN ISO
9001: 2015 by British Standards Institute (Certificate KF501414).
3.0 Delivery and site handling
FloPlast AAV’s, complete with their adaptors, (where applicable), along with installation instructions are supplied in
cardboard boxes and polyethylene bags, to limit the risk of contamination or damage. All valves must be stored upright
in their boxes until required for use.
The legend of the distributor is incorporated in to the lid of the product and is shown on the packaging. In addition,
all FloPlast valves have CE mark designation A1 to BS EN 12380: 2002, the details of which appear on the boxes.
4.0 Design Consideration - General
The FloPlast Air Admittance Valves when used in above-ground drainage systems designed with BS
12056-1: 2000 and BS 12056-2: 2000, the valves are satisfactory for use to:
admit air under conditions of reduced pressure in the discharge pipes and prevent water seals in traps
from being drawn or evacuated
prevent the release of foul air from the drainage system, and
contribute to the ventilation of the main drain to which the discharge stack incorporating the valve is
The 32mm and 40mm valves are designed for connection to waste pipes to prevent water loss from trap seals by
self and induced siphonage arising from water flow in small diameter branch discharge pipes.
The 50mm valve is for use on branch discharge pipes.
The 82mm, 100mm and 110mm valves are desigined for use on discharge stacks up to 45 metres or 10 storeys high.
The FloPlast valves are designed for use in association with each other or separately.
5.0 Practicability of installation
FloPlasts AAV’s are designed to be installed by a competent general builder, or a contractor experienced in these types
of products.