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The information contained in this document pertains to a dual use product controlled for export by the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR). Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited. US Department of Commerce authorization is not required prior to
export or transfer to foreign persons or parties unless otherwise prohibited.
The AGC ROI is set using the full resolution of the sensor (640x512). When zoom is other than 1X, the
ROI will scale with Zoom. When a small initial ROI is set and then zoom is performed, the ROI may need
to be adjusted for optimal AUTO video.
Window Editor
: Use the mouse to drag the green ROI rectangle to any location on the FPA. The
size of the ROI rectangle (in pixels) is displayed. To change the size of the ROI rectangle, drag one
of the corner or side bubbles. The Set button must be clicked for changes to take effect.
The Tau SWIR camera is configured with the ability to take snapshots. This feature
allows snapshots to be taken and viewed as the background to aid in setting the ROI for a particular
scene. Below is the ROI encompassing the entire FOV and the second has the ROI cropped to
improve contrast on the portion of the scene most important to the user.
AGC ROI Coordinate Values
: The settings use an X-Y coordinate system with (0, 0) being at
the center of the sensor array. The upper two numbers marked (left, top) are the pixel coordinates
of the upper left corner of the ROI rectangle. The lower two numbers marked (right, bottom) define
the lower right corner of the ROI rectangle. The example to the right shows a full screen ROI for a
640x512 camera. The Set button must be clicked for changes to take effect.
Note: The AGC ROI coordinates are static relative to the image orientation. If the second image
above was inverted, then the AGC ROI would still be cropped to exclude the sky in the inverted
image and the increased contrast would still be visible on the land portion of the image.
Digital Zoom:
The Tau SWIR camera has built in discrete steps of digital zoom capability. For 640 x 512
resolution cameras, it is possible to zoom to 8x. The camera always zooms to the center of the video.
Two Image-Orientation mode selections are provided. Select one or both to change the
orientation of the video image.
: The normal image is flipped vertically. The pixel on the upper-left corner of the
detector array is displayed on the lower-left corner of the video display in Invert mode.
This is the recommended mode when the core images the scene via a vertical fold mirror.
Invert applies to all output channels (i.e., also CMOS, and LVDS).
: The normal image is flipped horizontally. The pixel on the upper-right corner of
the detector array is displayed on the upper-left corner of the video display. This is the
recommended mode when the core images the scene via a horizontal fold mirror, when
used in a rear-facing application intended to simulate the view through a rear-view mirror.
Revert applies to all output channels (i.e., also CMOS, and LVDS).
: Both should be selected if the camera is to be mounted upside down, or a
lens is used which has a number of elements (
1 or 3) which themselves perform an
inversion and reversion.
Note: Adjusting image orientation should always be followed by a 2-point calibration event
(located on the Calibration tab). A Flat Field Calibration (FFC) may be used to give a quick