Setup — Screening station (Auto and Button mode)
6. Wait for two minutes. Make sure there is no people or movement in front of the cam-
era. During this time, the camera adapts to the ambient temperature.
7. Place a person at the marking for the screening position (not closer or further away
from the camera).
8. Check that:
• A screening result is displayed with the person standing at the screening position
(not closer).
• The measurement was done at the tear duct. If not, deactivate and activate the
Screening mode again and restart the initiation.
• The camera focus is correct. If not, adjust the focus by rotating the focus ring or by
pushing the autofocus button.
9. Place persons of different heights at the marking for the screening position (not clos-
er or further away from the camera).
Look at the image on the display and check that it is possible for the person to get the
eyes inside the box.
• Tall persons may have to bend their knees.
• Short persons may need e.g. a high chair to sit on.
Test the setup (Button mode)
To test the setup for Button mode screening, do the following:
1. Enter initiation mode by first selecting another Recording mode and then selecting
the Screening mode again.
To change the Recording mode, select
) >
Recording mode
2. In the
dialog box, select
3. Place a person at the marking on the tape that indicates the screening position. Make
sure the person looks into the camera and stands still until the initiation is completed
and a screening result is displayed.
It is important that the person stands at the marking for the screening position
(not closer or further away from the camera).
4. Press the Remote operation button. This starts the initiation.
5. During the initiation, the camera automatically adjusts the focus and resets the refer-
ence temperature average.
6. When the initiation is completed, check that the camera focus is correct and that the
measurement was done at the tear duct.
If the camera is out of focus or the measurement was not done at the tear duct, deac-
tivate and activate the Screening mode again and repeat the initiation.
#T810583; r. AA/75420/75423; en-US