Onboard Weighing |
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Pickup Mode: Single Pickup per Customer Site
User Guide
This workflow allows you to pick up a single load from a customer site and print an accompanying ticket. Subsequent customer sites
can be visited, printing a ticket for each. The device display will return to zero between each site.
Customer profiles can be uploaded in advance via USB as detailed on page 37.
1� Home Screen
This is the home screen for Pickup Mode.
Press :
to log your arrival at a customer site, prompting customer selection.
2� Customer Selection
Navigate up or down to select the relevant customer account.
Press :
3� Collect Load
Collect the load from the customer. (Customer A).
4� Complete Load
The display shows the Net load collected from Customer A.
Press :
to log your departure from the site. A customer ticket will be printed.
8� Complete Load
The display shows the Net load collected from Customer B.
Press :
to log your departure from the site. A customer ticket will be printed.
5� Home Screen
The display returns to zero. Cumulative Net and Gross figures are in the footer.
Press :
to log your arrival at the next customer site, prompting customer selection.
6� Customer Selection
Navigate up or down to select the relevant customer account.
Press :
7� Collect Load
Collect the load from the customer. (Customer B).
v1_000033_FT-30M 21/06/2016