FAD-40 Technical Manual, Rev.2.1.0; February 2022
Page 39 of 55
7.3. Profinet Interfacing
FAD-40PN instruments have two interface connectors on the front of the instrument: Profinet and RS-232C.
The table below describes the data formats for interfacing the peripherals and their application.
Data Format
Profinet interfacing.
Refer to chapter 8.5
Interfacing with PLC.
Table 8.3
– Data output interfacing
Please disable the interface you will not use to increase the performance of the instrument.
7.4. Setup and Calibration
FAD-40PN instruments are set up and calibrated by xFace. The A/D Converter settings are very important for a
good weighing performance. Please refer to chapter 5.3.
7.5. Profinet / Ethernet Setup
The Profinet setup is done by xFace software as described in this chapter. Select the Gateway tab after
connecting xFace to the instrument. You will see the Profinet parameters in this tab.
There are 7 setup parameters for Profinet network.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol automates network parameters if it is enabled.
Default is ‘Disable’.
IP Address
If DHCP is
disabled, define IP address manually. Default is ‘’
Subnet Mask
If DHCP is disabled, define subnet mask manually. Default is ‘’.
Default Gateway
If DHCP is disabled, define default gateway manually. Default is
Primary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, define primary DNS manually. Default is ‘’..
Secondary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, define secondary DNS manually. Default is ‘’.
Host Name
Enter a unique host name to the instru
ment. Default is ‘ ’
Click on
the button „Find on LAN“ in
section “Gateway”.
„EtherX“ will automatically be started
All connected FAD-40PN or EN
devices will be listed.