MSB Flintec
26 November 2014
We reserve the right to make changes to the products contained in this manual in order to improve design, performance
and reliability.
The information in this manual is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication, but is subject to
change without notice. Flintec or its distributors assumes no responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use
of the information provided herein.
The Flintec on board mounted load cell is a highly advanced electronic measuring device. Weight is measured by load
cells installed between the body and the chassis. These rugged load cells are strong enough to provide years of reliable
service, yet are sensitive enough to detect a change in weight of just a few kilos. Due to differences from application
to application there may be some significant assembly variations. The installation process is virtually the same whether
it is being performed as a retrofit or to a new vehicle or machine. It is extremely important to follow these installation
guidelines and use the specified materials to ensure that the completed assembly will maintain its high strength for
maximum safety. It will also result in minimum installation costs, high accuracy and long life for your weighing system.
Failure to follow these instructions could cause a hazardous operating condition. Upon completion of the load cell
installation, you or an appropriately trained service engineer will need to install a weighing indicator and calibrate the
system; Calibration is simply an electronic adjustment of the scale to compensate for minute installation variations.
Complete instructions for these procedures can be found in the weighing indicator's operator’s manual.
Installation must be in accordance with national laws and regulations. An installation checklist has been provided in the
back of this manual. Please refer to it during installation and check-off the important steps as they are completed.
Weighing system overview
Flintec on board weighing systems are ideal for industrial weighing applications and suitable for measuring either gross
vehicle weight or the net weight of cargo being loaded or delivered. The basic system consists of load-supporting
transducers (load cells) and an electronic meter (weighing indicator or display) capable of being calibrated to display
the weight in convenient lbs or kgs, electrical cabling connecting the load cells and indicator: see diagram below.
Truck body
Junction Box
4, 6 0r 8 Ports Available
Weighing Indicator or CPU
vehicle management system
Input Channel 1
Analogue Load Cells
Power Input
Typically 9 - 30 Volts Dc
From Ignition System
Typical four cell
Typically 4, 6 or 8 DSB7 cells are ftted to 3.5-50 tonnes gross weight vehicles.