GARANT drag hose spreader
Service and maintenance
Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH, 84453 Mühldorf am Inn, Germany
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8.4 Troubleshooting and fault elimination
Special caution when rectifying errors.
Consult trained service personnel or visit a specialist workshop.
If necessary, contact the manufacturer's customer service
8.4.1 List of warning and fault signals
Fault/error message
Possible cause(s)
Lighting faulty
No lighting
Fuse tripped
Defective cable
Check and establish the power
Contact the manufacturer's customer
service (see 8.1)
Identify the cause of the tripped fuse
Rectify the error and replace the fuse
Bulb failure
Open the bulb housing
Replace the faulty bulb with a bulb of
the same rating - perform a function
Close the bulb housing
Boom arm moves too
slowly or not at all
Insufficient oil in the hydraulic
Hydraulic coupling connected
Hydraulic coupling faulty
Insufficient oil flow
Check the oil level and top up if
Check the connections
Check the coupling and replace if
Check the tractor hydraulics
Hydraulic cylinders extend
but then do not retract
The piston seal in the cylinder
is faulty, so the piston and
ring face are connected to
each other
Check the cylinders individually for
leaks and replace faulty cylinder if
Oil motor does not move
Insufficient oil quantity
Not switched on
Check the oil level and top up if
Check and establish the power
Screw distributor does not
Oil motor not switched on
Solid materials blocking the
screw distributor
Check the supply of the oil motor
Dismantle the screw distributor and
remove any solid materials
Empty the trap box
Check the pressure relief valve