rm direction of motor rotation as follows:
FTA750, 1000, 1500, 1800, 2000, 2400 CONTROLLERS
1. On FTA2000, 2400 controller, place “Normal-Off-Test” switch in the Normal position.
2. Close enclosure door.
3. Momentarily close the isolating switch/circuit breaker handle, i.e. move up to the ON position
and then back to OFF.
4. The pump motor should rotate immediately if system pressure is low. If system pressure is not low,
press the manual START push-button and immediately press the manual STOP push-button.
5. Observe direction of motor rotation.
6. If rotation is incorrect, con
rm that the isolating switch/circuit breaker is in the OFF position, open
enclosure door and reverse any two of the motor leads (T1, T2, T3) on the load side of contactor
1M. For example, T1 and T2, T1 and T3 or T2 and T3.
7. Retest for proper rotation following steps 1 through 4.
1. Close enclosure door.
2. Momentarily close the isolating switch/circuit breaker handle, i.e. move up to the ON position
and then back to OFF.
3. The pump motor should rotate immediately if system pressure is low. If system pressure is not low,
press the manual START push-button and immediately press the manual STOP push-button.
4. Observe direction of motor rotation.
5. If rotation is incorrect, con
rm that the isolating switch/circuit breaker is in the OFF position, open
enclosure door and reverse any two of the corresponding motor leads (T1, T2, T3, T7, T8, T9) on
the load side of both contactors 1M and 2M. For example reverse T1 and T2 on contactor 1M
and T7 and T8 on contactor 2M; or T1 and T3 on contactor 1M and T7 and T9 on contactor 2M;
or T2 and T3 on contactor 1M and T8 and T9 on contactor 2M.
6. Retest for proper rotation following steps 1 through 4.
1. Close enclosure door.
2. Momentarily close the isolating switch/circuit breaker handle, i.e. move up to the ON position
and then back to OFF.
3. The pump motor should rotate immediately if system pressure is low. If system pressure is not low,
press the manual START push-button and immediately press the manual STOP push-button.
Phase Rotation
If the Mark IIXG is reporting a phase reversal, see instructions in “Setting/Motor & Power/Phase
To simulate a phase reversal for testing purposes, push and hold
the phase reversal push-button located on the right hand side of
the Mark IIXG with the door open (see photo on right). The phases
will be reversed internal to the Mark IIXG and a phase reversal
alarm will be initiated. The alarm will clear when the button is