HotPort Series 6000 Mesh Nodes
Most antenna problems are caused by coaxial cable connections
that loosen due to vibration, allowing moisture to penetrate the
connector interface. Firetide recommends that all outdoor cable
connections be weatherproofed using butyl mastic, shown in Figure
1. Butyl mastic is a stretchy, slightly sticky material which bonds to
itself and remains flexible. A layer of electrical tape is used under-
neath to keep the connection clean and make disassembly easier.
Install and test your unit before waterproofing - you may need to
change antennas. Once you’ve comfirmed your setup, waterproof.
Materials Needed:
• Pliers
• Utility knife
• Vinyl electrical tape
• Rubber splicing/mastic tape (a.k.a. self-amalgamating, self-
sealing, self-fusing, non-vulcanized)
Waterproofing the Antenna Connection
Step 1
Ensure the connector and cables are free of foreign substances such
as oil, water, grease, or dirt. Fasten connectors securely together.
Use pliers to tighten. Then verify that Firetide node is working, us-
ing HotView™ mesh management software.
Step 2
wrap a layer of electrical tape, STICKY SIDE OUT, over the
connector from base of unit to one inch over the cable. When wrap-
ping, the tape should overlap about 40% of the previous turn on
each turn. This layer of electrical tape will ease removal of the mas-
tic tape from the connector if required. Figure 2 shows the use of a
pencil as a wrapping aid if space is tight.
Step 3
wrap a layer of butyl rubber splicing (mastic) tape over the
electrical tape. Overlapping the tape about 40% on each turn,
start from base of unit and extend at least one inch on to the cable
sheath, as shown in Figure 3.
The key to a good watertight connection is to maintain a high level
of tension and stretch in the butyl rubber.
Step 4
wrap a layer of electrical tape, STICKY SIDE OUT, over the bu-
tyl rubber mastic layer. Then wrap a second layer of electrical tape.
The result should look like Figure 4. The outer layers of electrical
tape prevent the mastic from melting in very hot weather.
Your antenna connector is now weatherized. Next, weatherize the
connection from the cable to the Firetide node.
Appendix E - Waterproofing Instructions
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
January 2009