5.2 systeMPaC CondensIng BoIler - Installer guIdelInes
Please note the following important points before
commencing installation.
Installation should only be carried out by a competent,
qualified engineer, preferably oFteC registered,
familiar with the installation of the Firebird boilers
referred to in this manual.
The manufacturer cannot accept responsibility for any
damage to persons, animals or property due to error in
installation or in the burner adjustment or due to improper
or unreasonable use or non-observance of the technical
instruction enclosed with the burner, or due to the
intervention of unqualified personnel.
PosItIonIng tHe BoIler
In order to comply with the terms and conditions of warranty,
when installing a boiler on a new or existing system, the
system should be cleaned, flushed and then protected with
a suitable protection inhibitor.
ensure that adequate clearance is available for making the
water and flue connections.
The boiler is serviced from the front and a clearance of
750mm must be available at the front of the boiler.
No special hearth is required as the boiler is fully insulated,
but the floor must be level and capable of supporting the
weight of the boiler and its water content.
Sound levels must also be a consideration. Whilst Firebird
condensing liquid fuel boilers are one of the quietest boilers
on the market, some householders are particularly sensitive.
a suitable corrosion inhibitor must be added to the
heating system.
underFloor HeatIng
The boiler should not be directly connected to underfloor
heating, as a minimum return temperature of 40˚C is
required (it can be used with underfloor heating with
adequate temperature controls to ensure return values are
as stated above).
PlastIC PIPIng
The boiler thermostat control and safety system is not
designed, and must not be relied on, to protect plastic
pipe from overheating. additional measures must be
incorporated into the system pipework for protection in
these circumstances. Plastic pipe must never be connected
directly to the boiler and there must be at least 1 meter
of copper pipe between the boiler and the first plastic
connection. If you choose to use plastic pipe anywhere
on your heating circuits, please consult the plastic pipe
manufacturer for their instruction on how to ensure their
product never overheats. Our boiler control and safety high
limit thermostats are not designed to fulfil this function.
Firebird accepts no responsibility for failure of plastic
piping and fittings for whatever reason.
PressurIsed HeatIng systeM
Normal cold pressure should be set at 1 bar. The maximum
operating working pressure is 2 bar when the system is at
full operating temperature.
exPansIon vessel
Total water content of system and boiler must be calculated
to determine if an additional pressure vessel is required.
MagnetIC FIltratIon
It is recommended at the time of installation of this boiler,
to install a permanent effective magnetic filter on the return
pipework after the last radiator on the central heating
system. This will maintain maximum operational efficiency
and protect the boiler from the damaging, long-term effects
of “magnetite” (black iron sludge). It is essential that the filter
is sized similar to the return pipework. The magnetic filter
must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and serviced annually.
Hard water - lIMesCale
On initial fill, where it is suspected that there is a high
concentration of scale products, a suitable inhibitor must
be used to protect the boiler and system. Check with local
water authorities if in doubt (max. 200 ppm).
The burners is factory set for use with Diesel 35 Second gas