4.1 systeM CondensIng BoIler - end user InForMatIon
to start the boiler:
Turn on fuel supply.
Switch on power supply to boiler.
Turn timer control (if fitted) to “ON”.
Set the boiler thermostat to the required temperature.
The boiler thermostat controls the boiler operation by
automatically maintaining the required boiler water
temperature output. Safe operation is also maintained
by the burner control system which provides the
required ignition and shut off sequence. If the optional
timer control is fitted, this will automatically switch the
boiler off and on when heat is required.
to turn off the boiler:
Turn the timer control (if fitted) to “OFF”.
Turn off the mains electrical supply to the boiler.
BoIler tHerMostat/tHerMIstor FunCtIon
The control thermostat on the boiler allows the householder
to vary temperature to central heating from a low of 60˚C to
80˚C, depending on the model.
This boiler is also fitted with a safety high limit thermostat,
fixed at 110˚C. This system protects the boiler in the event
of the control thermostat failing and keeps the boiler safe.
The safety high limit thermostat will shut the boiler off
and will require the limit button to be pushed to restart
the boiler. It is recommended to call a service engineer to
establish the cause.
Burner loCkout
The boiler is factory fitted with a burner control box
lockout safety feature which operates automatically if a fault
occurs in the burner operation. Should this occur, the light
on the front of the burner will illuminate.
Press the reset button a maximum of two times. If the boiler
fails to light, call a service engineer who should check the
a. an interruption in the fuel supply
(eg. empty fuel supply tank).
B. an electrical supply fault.
C. a fault with the burner or its safety control system.
d. The failure of a burner component.
e. Worn or dirty fuel nozzle.
F. Incorrect flue installation.
to restart the boiler:
1. Press reset button.
2. ensure that the boiler thermostat, time switch (if fitted)
and any external controls connected to the boiler are
set to call for heat.
3. Check that the oil supply valves are open and that there
is sufficient oil in the tank.
4. Check that the main power supply is on. The boiler is
now ready.