Adjust the height of shoulder restraint
Step 1: Take one strap out from the metal hook behind the seat back, pull it out from the slot and
place this harness strap through the proper slot.
Step 2: Repeat the same process for the other strap.
Step 3: Place both of the straps into the metal hook; make sure both of the straps are at the same
Operation of buckle
Step 1: Put the buckle clips together.
Step 2: Put the clips into the middle part, when you hear a clear “Click”, the buckle is fastend
Step 3: Check the buckle is locked safely by pulling the shoulder straps upwards.
Step 4: If you need to release the buckle, press the red button and the clip will be released.
Tighten the harness restraint
Pull the adjustment straps until the harness straps are totally
tight. The shoulder restraint shall be adjusted as tightly as
possible without causing discomfort to your child. Check
wether the straps are adjusted tightly enough and not twisted
when the child is placed in the seat.
Be sure the distaance between the shoulder straps and the
shoulder is less than 1cm.
The lab strap shall be worn low down, so that the pelvis is
firmly engaged.
Loose straps can be very dangerous for the child.
Fillikid GesmbH | Tiefentalweg 1, A-5303 Thalgau, Austria | fillikid.at