The Audio Driver Installing Procedures for AN19E/AN19C
Under certain configurations, if auto installation does not work for audio
Please install audio driver manually. The next a few steps shows you how to
install the audio driver.
1). Right click My Computer and choose Properties.
2). Choose Hardware, and then Device manager.
3). Right click ? Caution Mark on PCI Multimedia Audio Device,
then select Properties.
4). Choose Driver and then Update driver.
5). Select Display a list of the known drivers for those device so that
I can choose a specific driver.
6). Choose Browse and lst Utility\Audio\ALC650.
7). Choose your operating system
(for Windows Me/2000/XP, please choose WDM).
(for Windows 95/98/NT, select Win95/98 Gold/NT, respectively)
8). Click on Open.
9). Click on Next.
10). Click on OK to start installation.