#10: Power and energy
The device allows for the active power and energy consumption mon-
itoring. Data is sent to the main Z-Wave controller.
Measuring is carried out by the most advanced micro-controller tech-
nology, assuring maximum accuracy and precision (+/- 1% for loads
Electric active power
- power that energy receiver is changing into a
work and heat. The unit of active power is Watt [W].
Electric energy
- energy consumed by a device through a time
period. consumers of electricity in households are billed by sup-
pliers on the basis of active power used in given unit of time. Most
commonly measured in kilowatt-hour [kWh]. One kilowatt-hour is
equal to one kilowatt of power consumed over period of one hour,
1kWh = 1000Wh.
The device stores pe-
riodically (every hour)
the consumption data
in the device mem-
ory. Disconnecting
the module from the
power supply will not
erase stored energy
consumption data.
Resetting consumption memory
The device allows to erase stored consumption data in three ways:
a) using functionality of a Z-Wave controller (see the controller’s
b) Manually clearing the data using the following procedure:
1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse).
2. Remove the device from the wall switch box.
3. Switch on the mains voltage.
4. Press and hold the B-button to enter the menu.
5. Wait for the visual lED indicator to glow green.
6. Quickly release and click the B-button again.
7. Energy consumption memory will be erased.
c) By resetting the device (see “Operating the device” on page 13).
Power measurement
can contain mains
voltage fluctuations
/- 10%.