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cod. 3545458/0 - 10/2019

5.5.4  Expansion vessel and safety valve pipes

The TP3 LN boilers are suitable for operation with forced water circulation, both with open and closed expansion vessels.

An expansion vessel is always required, to allow for the increase in water volume due to heating. 

In the first case, the height of the hydrostatic column must be at least 3 metres above the boiler casing and must have a sufficient capacity 

to contain, between the surface of the water in the vessel and the overflow pipe, the increase in volume of all the water in the system. 

High and narrow vessels are better, as they ensure minimum contact between the water surface and the air, thus reducing evaporation. 

In the second case, the capacity of the closed expansion vessel must be calculated considering: 

-  the total volume of water contained in the system

-  the maximum operating pressure of the system

-  the maximum operating pressure of the expansion vessel

-  the initial pre-charge pressure of the expansion vessel.

The expansion pipes connect the expansion vessel to the system. This pipes that run from fitting T3 (see the table of Dimensions), must 

not be fitted with on-off valves. On fitting T3, or on the outlet pipe, within 0.5 metres from the first flange, install a safety valve sized for the 

capacity of the boiler and in compliance with the local standards in force. No type of shut-off device may be installed between the boiler and 

the expansion vessel, and between the boiler and the safety valves, while the valves should calibrated for activation at values no higher 

than the maximum admissible operating pressure.

5.5.5  Recirculating pump (Fig. 7)

The condensation of the water vapour contained in the flue gas leaving the boiler (con-

densate) occurs when the return water temperature is less than 55°C and is significant 

above all when starting in the morning, after the boiler has been off all night. This con-

densate is acidic and corrosive and, over time, attacks the metal plate on the boiler. 

Consequently, a recirculating pump with the function of preventing condensate should be 

installed between the outlet and return fittings, upstream of any mixing valve. 

The pump must ensure, when the system is operating, a flow-rate of between 20 and 

30% of the total; it must also ensure a return water temperature no less than 55°C, while 

the required discharge head is quite low, as it only needs to overcome the resistance of 

the boiler and the valves. To measure the effective central heating return inlet tempe-

rature for the purpose of controlling the condensate prevention pump or managing the 

functions for getting the system to stable temperature operation, a probe socket must 

be fitted at a distance equivalent to 3-5 times the diameter of the return pipe upstream 

of the water coupling.

5.6   Opening and adjusting the front door



 models the door is hinged, fastened and reversed as regards the direction of opening as shown in Fig. 8. The following ope-

rations are required:

-  The door is supplied with four equal brackets (pos. 3) and hinges.

-   To establish the direction of opening, RIGHT or LEFT, unscrew the nut (pos. 7), unscrew and remove the R or L nut (pos. 6), depending 

on which side the door opens from. 

-  Height adjustment of the door is performed using the nut (pos. 2); after having completed the adjustments tighten the dowels (pos. 1).

-  Longitudinal adjustment is performed using the screw (pos. 8).

Key (Fig. 8)

1  Fastening dowel

2  Door support/adjustment nut

3  Hinge bracket

4  Hinge pin

5  Hinge screw

6  Hinge fastening nut

7  Fastening nut

8  Hinge bracket fastening/adjustment screws and nuts

 fig. 7

Summary of Contents for TP3 LN 1060

Page 1: ...y boiler for liquid or gas fuels Chaudi re haut rendement pour les combustibles liquides ou gazeux ES INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL USO LA INSTALACI N Y EL MONTAJE IT ISTRUZIONI PER L USO L INSTALLAZIONE E IL...

Page 2: ...e llenado vaciado instalaci n 9 5 5 4 Tuber as vaso de expansi n y v lvula de seguridad 9 5 5 5 Bomba de recirculaci n Fig 7 9 5 6 Puerta anterior apertura y regulaci n 9 5 7 Montaje del quemador Fig...

Page 3: ...or debe respetar la reglamentaci n local y vigente en cuanto corresponde a la elecci n del lugar de instalaci n de la caldera el respeto de las condiciones de ventilaci n necesarias que la conexi n y...

Page 4: ...W Max Pressure Heating bar Max Temp Riscaldamento Max Temp Heating C Max Press Riscaldamento No Matricola Construction No Konstruktions nr Herstellnr Nennwarmeleistung Nominal warmtevermogen Nennheizw...

Page 5: ...250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 290 360 290 360 TP3 LN 600 720 820 940 1060 1250 1480 1890 2360 Potencia nominal min kW 390 468 533 611 689 813 962 1229 1535 max kW 600 720 820 940 10...

Page 6: ...i n con precauci n mediante instrumentos adecuados para su peso Antes de colocar la caldera retire la base de madera desatornillando los tornillos de fijaci n Fig 4 fig 3 1 2 0694 Modello Model 230V 5...

Page 7: ...s del z calo v ase las cotas R x Q tabla de medidas En caso de que el quemador sea alimentado con gas combustible de peso espec fico superior al del aire las partes el ctricas deber n situarse a una d...

Page 8: ...OS ppm 3500 Es absolutamente indispensable el tratamiento del agua usada para la instalaci n de calefacci n en los siguientes casos Instalaciones muy extendidas Agua muy dura Frecuentes introducciones...

Page 9: ...mos de evacuaci n de la calde ra agua de condensaci n se presenta cuando la temperatura del agua de retorno es inferior a 55 C y es considerable sobretodo cuando se enciende por la ma ana despu s que...

Page 10: ...debe rellenarse con el colch n cer mico A suministrado Esta operaci n evita el sobrecalentamiento de la puerta que de otro modo se deformar a irremediablemente Las conexiones del combustible al quema...

Page 11: ...panel superior derecho pos 3 que incluye el panel de mandos al panel lateral pos 1 que incluye muelles pernos de cierre y tuercas pos 10 11 12 d Inserte los bulbos de los instrumentos en las vainas c...

Page 12: ...taci n al quemador y a las eventuales bombas etc Se recomienda insertar las sondas hasta el fondo de las correspondientes vainas para mejorar el contacto Despu s bloquear los capilares con los muelles...

Page 13: ...cerrar la alimentaci n del combustible Dejar funcionar las bombas hasta que las cierre el termostato de m nima Quitar la tensi n del cuadro el ctrico 7 MANTENIMIENTO 7 1 Disposiciones generales El ma...

Page 14: humos por la apertura de la tapa de limpieza 4 En caso de acciones m s en rgicas retirar la c mara de humos 5 sustituyendo la junta de estanquidad antes de realizar el montaje Controlar peri dicam...

Page 15: ...A continuaci n se enumeran los principales problemas o anomal as que pueden ocurrir durante la gesti n de la caldera las causas posibles y las respectivas soluciones ANOMAL A EL GENERADOR SE ENSUCIA...

Page 16: ...5 3 Tubazioni di riempimento svuotamento dell impianto 22 5 5 4 Tubazioni vaso di espansione e valvola di sicurezza 23 5 5 5 Pompa di ricircolo Fig 7 23 5 6 Porta anteriore apertura e regolazione 23...

Page 17: ...richiede l intervento del personale qualificato Normative L installatore deve rispettare la regolamentazione locale in vigore in relazione a scelta del luogo di installazione della caldaia rispetto d...

Page 18: ...Temp Heating C Max Press Riscaldamento No Matricola Construction No Konstruktions nr Herstellnr Nennwarmeleistung Nominal warmtevermogen Nennheizwert Nominaal verwarmingsvermogen Max Wasserdruck Max w...

Page 19: ...250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 290 360 290 360 TP3 LN 600 720 820 940 1060 1250 1480 1890 2360 Potenzialit nominale min kW 390 468 533 611 689 813 962 1229 1535 max kW 600 720 820 940...

Page 20: ...a di posizionare la caldaia togliere il basamento in legno svitando le viti di fissaggio Fig 4 fig 3 1 2 0694 Modello Model 230V 50 Hz Elektrisk forsyning Alimentazione elettrica Electrical Input Alim...

Page 21: ...llo zoccolo vedere le quote R x Q tabella dimensioni Nel caso in cui il bruciatore sia alimentato con gas combustibile di peso specifico superiore a quello dell aria le parti elettriche dovranno esser...

Page 22: ...scaldamento nei seguenti casi Impianti molto estesi Acqua con elevata durezza Frequenti immissioni di acqua di reintegro nell impianto Nel caso si rendesse necessario lo svuotamento parziale o totale...

Page 23: ...i scarico della caldaia con densa si presenta quando la temperatura dell acqua di ritorno minore di 55 C ed rilevante soprattutto durante l accensione mattutina dopo che la caldaia rimasta spenta tutt...

Page 24: con il materassino ceramico A fornito a corredo Questa operazione evita il surriscaldamento del portellone che altrimenti si deformerebbe in maniera irrimediabile Gli allacciamenti del combustibile...

Page 25: ...e il pannello superiore destro pos 3 completo del pannello comandi al pannello laterale pos 1 completo di molle piolini e dadi pos 10 11 12 d Inserire nelle guaine i bulbi degli strumenti come indicat...

Page 26: ...alimentazione al bruciatore e alle eventuali pompe etc Si raccomanda di inserire le sonde fino in fondo ai relativi pozzetti per migliorarne il contatto Bloccare quindi i capillari con le mollette Ri...

Page 27: ...hiudere l alimentazione del combustibile Lasciar funzionare le pompe fino a quando non vengono chiuse dal termostato di temperatura minima Eliminare la tensione dal quadro elettrico 7 MANUTENZIONE 7 1...

Page 28: ...4 In caso di azioni pi energiche rimuovere la camera dei fumi 5 sostituendo la guarnizione di tenuta stagna prima di effettuare il montaggio Verificare periodicamente che lo scarico dell acqua di cond...

Page 29: ...uito viene riportato un elenco con le indicazioni delle principali anomalie e avarie che possono verificarsi nella gestione della caldaia specificandone le possibili cause e soluzioni ANOMALIE IL GENE...

Page 30: ...heating outlet return pipes 36 5 5 3 System fill drain pipe 36 5 5 4 Pipes expansion vessel and safety valves 37 5 5 5 Recirculation pump Fig 7 37 5 6 Opening and adjusting the front door 37 5 7 Assem...

Page 31: ...t local regulations with regard to the site chosen for the installation of the boiler compliance with required ventila tion conditions the tightness of the connection to the chimney connections to fue...

Page 32: Nennwarmeleistung Nominal warmtevermogen Nennheizwert Nominaal verwarmingsvermogen Max Wasserdruck Max waterdruk Max Kesseltemperatur Max Ketelstemperatuur Fabrikaatnr No de fabrication No de const...

Page 33: ...T6 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 290 360 290 360 TP3 LN 600 720 820 940 1060 1250 1480 1890 2360 Heat output min kW 390 468 533 611 689 813 962 1229 1535 max kW 600 720 820...

Page 34: ...port by unscrewing the fastening screws Fig 4 fig 3 1 2 0694 Modello Model 230V 50 Hz Elektrisk forsyning Alimentazione elettrica Electrical Input Alimantation l ctrique Alimentaci n el ctr ca Stromsp...

Page 35: ...content For the dimensions of the base see the distances R x Q table of dimensions If the burner is supplied with gas fuel whose specific weight is higher than air the electrical parts must be located...

Page 36: ...n the following cases Very large systems Very hard water Frequent introduction of water to top up the system If in these cases the system needs to be partially or completely emptied it must be refille...

Page 37: the flue gas leaving the boiler con densate occurs when the return water temperature is less than 55 C and is significant above all when starting in the morning after the boiler has been off all n...

Page 38: ...terial on the door must be filled with the layer of ceramic fibre A supplied This prevents the door from overheating and consequently from being irreversibly deformed The fuel connections to the burne...

Page 39: ...pos 3 complete with the control panel to the side panel pos 1 complete with springs closing pins and nuts pos 10 11 12 d Insert the bulbs of the instruments into the sheaths as shown in Fig 20 and ma...

Page 40: ...he power line burner and any pumps etc The probes should be inserted fully into the corresponding sockets to improve contact Then secure the capillary tubes with the springs Close the cover on the ele...

Page 41: ...The temperature of the flue gas must never fall below 160 C 6 3 Shutting down the boiler Set the operating thermostat to the minimum value Turn off the power to the boiler and cut off the fuel supply...

Page 42: ...ough the open cleaning door 4 For more thorough cleaning remove the smokebox 5 and replace the gasket before reassembling Check periodically that the condensate drain 6 is not blocked 7 5 Checking boi...

Page 43: ...7 Troubleshooting The following is a list of the main faults and problems that may occur during boiler operation specifying possible causes and solutions FAULT THE BOILER IS EASILY SOILED CAUSE Burner...

Page 44: ...installation 50 5 5 3 Tuyauteries de remplissage vidange de l installation 50 5 5 4 Tuyauteries du vase d expansion et valve de s curit 51 5 5 5 Pompe de recirculation Fig 7 51 5 6 Porte arri re ouver...

Page 45: ...ite l intervention de personnel qualifi Ensemble de normes L installateur doit respecter la r glementation locale en vigueur pour ce qui concerne les points suivants s lection du site d installation d...

Page 46: ...Temp Heating C Max Press Riscaldamento No Matricola Construction No Konstruktions nr Herstellnr Nennwarmeleistung Nominal warmtevermogen Nennheizwert Nominaal verwarmingsvermogen Max Wasserdruck Max...

Page 47: ...6 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 290 360 290 360 TP3 LN 600 720 820 940 1060 1250 1480 1890 2360 Puissance nominale min kW 390 468 533 611 689 813 962 1229 1535 max kW 600 720...

Page 48: ...ositionner la chaudi re retirer le socle en bois en d vissant les vis de fixation Fig 4 fig 3 1 2 0694 Modello Model 230V 50 Hz Elektrisk forsyning Alimentazione elettrica Electrical Input Alimantatio...

Page 49: ...ons du socle voir les cotes R x Q tableaux dimensions Si le br leur est aliment avec un gaz combustible dont le poids sp cifique est sup rieur celui de l air les parties lectriques devront tre plac es...

Page 50: ...e de traiter l eau utilis e pour l installation de chauffage en cas de Installations tr s tendues Eau tr s dure Fr quentes introduction d eau d appoint dans l installation S il s av re n cessaire de v...

Page 51: ...ion de la chau di re condensats se produit quand la temp rature de l eau de retour est inf rieure 55 C et est importante surtout pendant le d marrage le matin quand la chaudi re a t arr t e toute la n...

Page 52: rempli avec le matelas c ramique A fourni avec la chaudi re Cette op ration vite la surchauffe de la porte qui autrement se d formerait irr m diablement Les raccordements du combustible au br leur...

Page 53: ...sup rieur droit pos 3 quip du panneau de commandes sur le panneau lat ral pos 1 muni de ressorts chevilles et crous pos 10 11 12 d Ins rer dans les gaines les bulbes des instruments comme indiqu Fig...

Page 54: ...imentation au br leur et aux ventuelles pompes etc Il est recommand d ins rer les sondes jusqu au fond des doigts de gant pour am liorer le contact Bloquer ensuite les capillaires avec les pinces Refe...

Page 55: ...que le thermostat de valeurs minimales les ferme D branchez la tension du tableau lectrique 7 ENTRETIEN 7 1 Normes g n rales L entretien p riodique est essentiel pour la s curit le rendement et la dur...

Page 56: ...orce plus extensive il faudra retirer la chambre de fum es 5 et remplacer le joint d tanch it des fum es avant de proc der au montage Contr lez p riodiquement que l vacuation de l eau de condensation...

Page 57: ...rnir une liste contenant les indications relatives aux pannes et anomalies principales pouvant se produire lors de la gestion de la chaudi re Nous indiquerons les causes possibles ainsi que les soluti...

Page 58: ...aldamento No Matricola Construction No No de fabrication No de fabricacion D bit thermique nominal Caudal t rmico nominal Puissance nominal Potencia Nominal Pression maxi Chauffage Presi n m x de Cale...

Page 59: ...1 60 4 2 61 4 3 62 4 4 63 5 63 5 1 63 5 2 63 5 3 5 64 5 4 6 65 5 5 65 5 5 1 65 5 5 2 65 5 5 3 65 5 5 4 66 5 5 5 7 66 5 6 66 5 7 9 67 5 8 10 68 5 9 92 190 68 5 10 240 2360 69 6 70 6 1 70 6 2 70 6 3 70...

Page 60: ...3 LN 92 ORD000XA TP3 LN 401 ORD800XA TP3 LN 1060 ORDH00XA TP3 LN 107 ORD100XA TP3 LN 500 ORDB00XA TP3 LN 1250 ORDJ00XA TP3 LN 152 ORD200XA TP3 LN 600 ORDD00XA TP3 LN 1480 ORDL00XA TP3 LN 190 ORD300XA...

Page 61: ...x varmartemperatur Varmeanlaegets maks temperatur Vfrc hf jxfz ntvgthfnehf H O Codice Pin Code t max safety 114 C bar Pressione prova idraul Data Hidraulic test pressure Date Pression d preuve hydraul...

Page 62: ...320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 250 320 290 360 290 360 TP3 LN 600 720 820 940 1060 1250 1480 1890 2360 kW 390 468 533 611 689 813 962 1229 1535 kW 600 720 820 940 1060 1250 1480 1890 2360 kW 403...

Page 63: ...elstemperatuur Fabrikaatnr No de fabrication No de construccao Valmistusnumero No de fabricacion D bito t rmico nominal D bit thermique nominal Nominell varmetillforsel Caudal t rmico nominal Nominel...

Page 64: ...64 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 5 3 5 TP3 LN 1300 90 R x Q 500 600 600 1000 X 1000 5...

Page 65: ...65 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 5 4 6 250 5 5 5 5 1 A ppm 10 CaCO3 750 PH 8 9 ppm 100 ppm 3500 5 5 2 5 5 3 4 6...

Page 66: ...66 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 5 5 4 TP3 LN 3 3 3 0 5 5 5 5 7 55 20 30 55 3 5 5 6 3 7 6 2 1 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7...

Page 67: ...7 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 5 7 9 L L 70 152 230 300 190 240 250 320 320 401 290 360 500 600 320 390 720 820 320 390 940 1060 340 410 1250 1480 340 470 1890 2360 350 480 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 8 4 8 L A...

Page 68: ...68 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 5 8 10 1 2 Ferroli 5 9 92 190 11 a 1 2 13 6 3 1 10 11 12 20 6 6 7 2 10 11 12 8 13 1 4 2 1 10 1 2 3 13 10 6 7 10 11 13 12 4 11 12 8 13 11...

Page 69: ...69 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 5 10 240 2360 12 a 1 2 3 4 19 5 6 7 8 19 15 5 1 12 13 14 19 10 10 11 15 5 6 1 12 13 14 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 11 19 12...

Page 70: ...70 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 6 6 1 5 5 5 6 2 160 6 3 7 O C BAH E 7 1 7 2...

Page 71: ...71 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 7 3 7 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 1 13 14 5 4 6 1 3 2 5 4 6 1 3 2...

Page 72: ...72 RU TP3 LN cod 3545458 0 10 2019 30 2 3 7 6 7 7...

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Page 76: ...icado en Italia Fabbricato in Italia Made in Italy Fabriqu en Italie FERROLI S p A Via Ritonda 78 a 37047 San Bonifacio Verona ITALY www ferroli com 690655161 45 222750 375 17 169 79 49 ferroli ferrol...
