The screen of the KIN PANEL is interactive, so its operation depends on the call process or selected function.
When someone stands in front of the panel or touches anywhere in the screen, a standby interface is shown.
This standby interface can be a keypad for calling or some HELP information, or directory
depending on the
programming settings.
Depending on the programming settings, the call keypad can be numerical, alphanumerical or individual
It is also possible to select one of the available function icons at the bottom of the screen. These icons must
be enabled by the installer.
See WEB BROWSER PROGRAMMING section for further details.
Numerical Keypad
Apartments can be called only with numbers.
To call an apartment, dial apartment number and press the telephone icon. Then follow instructions on screen.
It is also possible to select and use the available icon functions (call concierges, face recognition, etc.)
Alphanumerical Keypad
It is possible to call the apartments using letters and numbers.
To call an apartment, dial apartment number and/or letters and press
the telephone icon.
Then follow instructions on screen.
Available letters are A to H. The panel converts these letters to numbers:
A to 1, B to 2, etc.
For example, dialling 80C, the called monitor is 803.
The panel does not convert these letters to numbers if the panel call
apartment via mapping code.
It is also possible to select and use the available icon functions (call
concierges, face recognition, etc.).