Sørg for at maskinen ikke står under strøm, når
der udføres vedligeholdelsesarbejder på meka-
Maskinerne fra Ferm er udviklet til at fungere længe uden
problemer med et minimum af vedligeholdelse. Ved at
rengøre maskinen regelmæssigt og behandle den kor-
rekt, bidrager De til en længere levetid for maskinen.
Rengør regelmæssigt maskinkappen med en blød klud,
helst efter hvert brug. Sørg for at ventilationshullerne er fri
for støv og snavs.
Brug en blød klud, der er vædet i sæbevand til at fjerne
hårdnakket snavs. Brug ingen opløsningsmidler, så som
benzin, alkohol, ammoniak, osv. Den slags stoffer beska-
diger kunststofdelene.
Maskinen behøver ingen ekstra smøring.
Kontakt Deres Ferm-forhandler, hvis der opstår fejl som
følge af slitage af en del.
Bagerst i denne brugsanvisning finder De en reservedel-
stegning med de reservedele, der kan bestilles.
For at undgå transportbeskadigelse leveres maskinen i
en solid emballage. Emballagen er så vidt muligt lavet af
genbrugsmateriale. Genbrug derfor emballagen.
Når de udskifter Deres maskinen bør De tage den gamle
maskine med til Deres lokale Ferm-forhandler. Der vil
maskinen blive bearbejdet på miljøvenlig vis.
Læs det separat vedlagte garantikort for garantibetingel-
Vi erklærer at under almindeligt ansvar, at dette
produkt er i overenstemmelse med følgende
normer eller normative dokumenter
EN50144-1, prEN50144-2-3, EN55014-1, EN55014-2,
EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3
i henhold til bestemmelserne i direktiverne:
frà 01-06-2000
G.M. Ensing
Quality department
Fig. B
Prior to mounting an accessory always unplug
the tool.
Mounting a grinding disc.
Use grinding discs of the correct dimension. Use fibre rein-
forced grinding discs only. The grinding disc must not
touch the edge of the guard.
Press the spindle lock (6) and turn the spindle (9) until it
engages in the lock. Keep the spindle lock pressed
during this procedure.
Remove the flange nut (12) from the spindle using the
spanner (11).
Position the grinding disc (7) on the flange (5).
Place the flange nut on the spindle an tighten it using
the spanner.
Release the spindle lock and check that the spindle is
unlocked by rotating it.
Mounting the side handle
The side handle can be used for both left-hand and right-
hand control.
Fasten the side handle (Fig. A-5) for left-hand opera-
tion on the right-hand side of the machine.
Fasten the side handle for right-hand operation on the
left-hand side of the machine.
Fasten the side handle for upright working at the top of
the machine.
Make sure that the side handle is fastened pro-
perly and cannot loosen unexpectedly.
Always observe the safety instructions and
applicable regulations.
Do not place the machine on the workpiece when swit-
ching the machine on or off. The grinding disc may
damage the workpiece.
Clamp the workpiece and make sure that the work-
piece cannot slide from under the machine during the
cutting activities.
Hold the machine firmly and press it under an angle of
approximately 15˚ against the workpiece. Move the
grinding disc evenly across the workpiece.
Regularly inspect the grinding disc. Worn grinding
discs have a negative effect on the efficiency of the
machine. Replace a grinding disc on time.
Always switch off the machine first before removing
the plug from the wall socket.
Switching on and off
This machine is equipped with a safety switch.
Start the machine by pressing the “lock off” button (to
disengrage the switch) and switch on the machine.
Before start working, the machine must be run
according to the max. speed.
Always put the angle grinder in zero load (without load)
when you connect or disconnect.
Always keep the mains lead away from moving parts.
During the grinding you have to work under an angle
between 10° and 15°, so that you get in touch with
splashing sparks as few as possible.
During cutting between 30° and 45°.
Do not put the machine down when the motor is still run-
ning. Do not place the machine on a dusty surface. Dust
particles may enter the mechanism.
Never use the spindle lock to stop the motor.
Never use the machine for grinding magnesium