D7 hex second row of ‘A’ character
0 (23 times) character number 0 (23 times to complete the 24 bytes row)
BB hex third row of ‘A’ character
0 (23 times) character number 0 (23 times to complete the 24 bytes row)
BB hex fourth row of ‘A’ character
0 (23 times) character number 0 (23 times to complete the 24 bytes row)
83 hex fifth row of ‘A’ character
0 (23 times) character number 0 (23 times to complete the 24 bytes row)
BB hex sixth row of ‘A’ character
0 (23 times) character number 0 (23 times to complete the 24 bytes row)
BB hex seventh row of ‘A’ character
0 (23 times) character number 0 (23 times to complete the 24 bytes row)
Enter the data sequentially from the top leftmost byte (LSB) to the bottom rightmost
byte (MSB), and from left to right in each dot line.
Decimal codes:
Hexadecimal codes:
This control causes to transmit the next character received (“n”).
The sequence “ESC s A” will not print character “A”, but it will be transmitted in serial
from the EPC1100 to the host device via the TxD pin (CON4, PIN15). If we use this
function to memorize blocks of text, we can simulate a password which would be
transmitted, for example, when the printer is switched on, or command codes on
pressing the PRINT key, or tests to connected printers.
Decimal codes:
Hexadecimal codes:
This control sets the vertical scale for the characters table.
“n” can take values from 1 to 47d.
The Y-Scale command sets the characters’ new height, despite of the previous state
of the double-height mode.
Whenever double-height mode is set to ON, the characters’ new height is 2, despite
of the previous value of the Y-Scale.
Whenever double-height mode is set to OFF, the characters’ new height is 1, despite
of the previous value of the Y-Scale.
These commands do not affect the characters’ width.