1.12.4 Function ‘auto-tare’
The ‘auto-tare’ function automatically activates the ‘tare’
when the weight is removed from the load cell. The ‘auto-
tare’ configuration has three parameters :
Activation value : the ‘auto-tare’ function activates when
reading is lower than the defined value.
Stability band: reading must be stable, and its fluctuation
must be lower than the number of counts defined in this pa
Stability time : reading must be within the stability band for
the time defined in this parameter.
When these three parameters are met (the system is ‘without
weight’ and the reading is ‘stable’) the ‘auto-tare’ function au
tomatically activates the ‘tare’.
Example : weighing system with reading from 0.0 to 2500.0
Kg. When weight is removed from the system, there is al-
ways a variable remnant value : 2.2 Kg, 3.1 Kg, -0,7 Kg, ...
This remnant value is associated to the specific imperfections
of each load cell. Also this remnant value takes some time to
stabilize, approximately 1 second. A manual tare can be ap-
plied each time the load cell is unloaded in order to correct
this error. The ‘auto-tare’ function will correct it automati-
cally without operator intervention, configuring the follow-
ing parameters.
activation value = 5.0
stability = 1.0
stability time = 2 seconds
When reading is lower than ‘5.0’, the ‘auto-tare’ system ac-
tivates, and it will analyze the stability of the signal. When
reading does not change more than ±1.0 counts for a time of
2 seconds, the tare will automatically activate.
The ‘auto-tare’ function is affected by the ‘
Maximum tare
) parameter. The instrument will not accept the acti
vation of the tare when reading is higher than the ‘
’ (
) value.
The ‘
Scale factor
’ (‘
’) configures a fixed multiplier to ap
ply to the reading.
Example: a weighing system is configured to read in Kg, but
the system is going to be shipped to an area where measure
must be in pounds. The relation between kilograms and
pounds is: 1 Kg = 2,20462 pounds. Within the scale factor,
configure the multiplier to 220462 and the divider to 100000.
The instrument is now configured to read in ‘pounds’.
The ‘
Stock units
’ (‘
’) function is provided to count large
quantities of small units, in situations such as stock invento
ry, reception of goods, etc. The operator must configure the
number of ‘units’ assigned to a weight. The instrument will
measure the weight but will show the number of ‘units’.
To configure the ‘
Stock units
’ function, weight a known num
ber of units. Then introduce the number of units, either from
the configuration menu (‘Advanced configuration’ \ ‘Stock
units’) or from the fast access menu (key ‘UP’ (
Example from the configuration menu : place 50 units on the
load cell, and check that the instrument is weighing correctly.
Enter the configuration menu, and at the ‘Stock units’ (‘Stck’)
parameter, within the ‘Advanced configuration’, introduce
‘50’ as the number of units. Save the value (key ‘SQ’ (
and leave the configuration menu (key ‘LE’ (
) two times).
The instrument restart and reads 50 units. Add more units
and observe that the reading increases proportionally to the
number of units.
Example from the front key ‘UP’ (
) : configure the func-
tion ‘Stock units’ to be accessible from the front key ‘UP’ (
(fast access menu) (see section 1.12.13) and leave the con-
figuration menu. Place 50 units on the load cell, and check
that the instrument is weighing correctly. Access the param-
eter ‘Stock units’ through the front key ‘UP’ (
), and config-
ure the number of units actually on the load cell (50 units).
Save the value (key ‘SQ’ (
)) and leave the fast access menu
(key ‘LE’ (
)). The instrument reads 50 units. Add more units
and observe that the reading increases proportionally to the
number of units
In both cases, setting a value to the ‘
Stock units
’ (‘
’) pa
rameter assigns the value to the actual weight. The actual val
ue of units (‘
Stock units
’ (‘
’) parameter) can be assigned
to the actual weight by pressing front key ‘LE’ (
and/or activating the rear terminal ‘EK’
Assign the value ‘0’ to the ‘
Stock units
’ (‘
’) parameter to
disable this function and return to normal reading of weight.
Scale factor
1.12.6 Function ‘stock’
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