Safety Warning
The use of this device for children and special groups like disabled,elderly must be
carried out under the correct guidance and supervision.
The user can only be used for the specified purpose, not for other purposes.
Please be sure to clean and disinfect the accessories every time you use or store
this device.
If the parts are found damaged or fall into the water accidentally, please do not
continue to use.
1. Intended Use
The spirometer is a hand-held equipment for examining lung function. The device is
fit for hospital, clinic, family for ordinary test(FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEF, etc.).
The spirometer is intended to be used by a physician or by a patient under the
instruction of a physician or paramedic.
2. Working Principle
Inhale deeply, seal your lips around your mouthpiece, and blow the air out as hard as
you can. The exhaled air passes through the turbine into a rotating air stream, which
rotates the blades.The infrared transmitting tube and receiving tube inside the device
are aligned with the blade. When the blade rotates, the receiving tube judges and
transforms the received optical signal to form various signals related to blade rotation.
After circuit processing, the single chip microcomputer forms identifiable signals and
processes them, which will be converted into each measurement parameter and
displayed on the screen.