Measurement diagram
Activities that should be avoid before Lung Function Testing
Smoking and/or vaping and/or water pipe use within 1 h before testing (to avoid acute
bronchoconstriction due to smoke inhalation)
Consuming intoxicants within 8 h before testing (to avoid problems in
coordination,comprehension,and physical ability)
Performing vigorous exercise within 1 h before testing (to avoid potential exercise-
induced bronchoconstriction)
Wearing clothing that substantially restricts full chest and abdominal expansion (to
avoidexternal restrictions on lung function)
1) After turning on the device, it will locate in selective interface shown as Figure 1,
press UP or DOWN key to select.You can press CONFIRM key to select "No" and
enter testing interface, shown as Figure 2 (Note: if select "Yes", it will enter Personal
information interface to edit information.After exiting, it will return to testing
2) In Testing interface, breath in fully, seal the lips around the mouthpiece and blast
all air out as forcefully as possible in the shortest time.Then wait for a few seconds,
the device will enter main parameter interface as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 1 Selective interface