Acute cor pulmonale
Clinically unstable pulmonary embolism
History of syncope related to forced expiration/cough
Due to increases in intracranial/intraocular pressure
Cerebral aneurysm
Brain surgery within 4 wk
Recent concussion with continuing symptoms
Eye surgery within 1 wk
Due to increases in sinus and middle ear pressures
Sinus surgery or middle ear surgery or infection within 1 wk
Due to increases in intrathoracic and intraabdominal pressure
Presence of pneumothorax
Thoracic surgery within 4 wk
Abdominal surgery within 4 wk
Late-term pregnancy
lnfection control issues
Active or suspected transmissible respiratory or systemic infection, including tuberculosis
Physical conditions predisposing to transmission of infections,such as hemoptysis,significant
secretions, or oral lesions or oral bleeding
Note: Spirometry should be discontinued if the patient experiences pain during the
maneuver. Patients with potential contraindications that would prevent testing in the
primary care setting may be tested in a pulmonary function laboratory where
operators are more experienced and there may be access to emergency care if needed.
Furthermore, because spirometry requires the active participation of the patient,
inability to understand directions or unwillingness to follow the directions of the
operator will usually lead to submaximal test results.
9.2 Precautions and suggestive contents
1) If it is not used for a long time,it is necessary to disinfect and clean this device
thoroughly,so as to avoid bacterial reproduction.
2) It is recommended that the mouthpiece is for single-use.
3) Please place it out of the reach of children, so as to avoid swallowing small parts by
mistake or damaging this device.
4) Do not use this device during charging.
5) This device shall be cleaned, disinfected and dried before installation.