"Number"is the current case number. For example, if you are the 23
user, the
"Number"will be 23. Case number can increase automatically, no need to set manually.
2) Setting
Select "Gender" and press CONFIRM key.Press UP or DOWN key to select "MALE"
or "FEMALE", then press CONFIRM key to confirm.
The modification method of"Age" ,"Height","Weight","Equation","Smoker"and
"BDT"is similar to the"Gender".
Adjustable range of "Age" is 6~101.Adjustable range of "Height" is 80~241 cm.
Adjustable range of "Weight" is 15~250 Kg.
The equation of predicted value can be set in "Equation" item, including "ECSC",
"KNUDSON" and "USA".
3) Exit
In Personal information interface, select "Exit" or press RETURN key to return to
Menu interface.
Data management
Select "Data management" in Menu interface to enter its sub-menu shown as Figure 7.
Figure 7 Data management interface
1) Review Function
Select "Review Function" in Data Management interface as shown in Figure 8.Press
UP or DOWN key to review historical records.Press RETURN key to enter Data
management interface.