Informer Series Tone Alert Receiver
Monitoring Weather (NOAA Weather Radio and Channel Selection)
You can program the Informer to monitor the local NOAA Weather Radio Channel if
you purchased the VHF version. The RF frequencies for NOAA radio are as follows:
162.400 MHz, 162.425 MHz, 162.450 MHz, 162.475 MHz, 162.500 MHz,
162.525 MHz, and 162.550 MHz.
When you use the Informer with NOAA radio, enable the MONITOR button in the
software. Pushing the MONITOR button places the Informer TAR into monitor mode
and allows you to begin listening to the NOAA Weather Radio Channel. If you
program multiple RF channels into the Informer TAR, the unit beeps once for each
channel number when you press the MONITOR button. For example, the first time
you press the MONITOR button, the Informer TAR beeps once for channel 1. The
second time you press the MONITOR button, the Informer TAR beeps twice for
channel 2, and so on.
Program the Informer to emit a short tone to alert the user after the Informer receives
a valid EAS message. Program the speaker to auto, timed or manual reset to enable a
voice announcement to be heard.
To discontinue monitoring NOAA Weather Radio and place the unit in standby
mode, press the RESET button on the Informer TAR. While in standby mode, the
Informer TAR is not heard, but continues to monitor the selected NOAA radio
channel for emergency broadcasts.
For further information pertaining to EAS, consults your local NOAA weather center
or the FCC at
After the installation is complete, do the following:
Test the Informer TAR and all accessories from the control point(s) to ensure it is
operation properly; that is, the keypad and LEDs.
Verify all tone, voice, and text messages contain the correct content per the
emergency operating plan. Alerts should exceed the ambient sound levels by at
least 10 dB to ensure they can be heard. Verify voice quality to ensure that speech
is intelligible over the Informer’s speaker.
Verify the Informer TAR activates for all required functions that were
programmed into the unit.
Verify proper operation of the keypad, LEDs, and battery backup.
Conduct testing on a regular basis per facility safety plans to ensure the
equipment remains in working order and operators remain familiar with the use
of the equipment. Federal Signal recommends a monthly test.