Informer Series Tone Alert Receiver
Table 6 Signaling Formats
Number of codes
Up to six (6) programmable activation codes
Two-Tone Sequential and
Single Tone
300 Hz - 3000 Hz for 25/30 kHz receivers
300 Hz - 2300 Hz for 12.5 kHz receivers
Minimum tone spacing = 5%
Minimum “A” tone length = .5 sec
nimum “B” tone length = .25 sec
8 sec. maximum for all tones
Decode Sensitivity DTMF
</=20 dB SINAD
1 - 12 digits maximum,
minimum character length = 50 ms. (35 ms as
Characters plus inter-character spacing not to
exceed 1000 ms.
Decode Sensitivity with
Optional MSK Decoder
</= 20 dB SINAD
1200,N,8,1, Synchronous,
1200 Hz mark tone
1800 Hz space tone.
EAS Decode Sensitivity with
Optional EAS/SAME Decoder
</= 20 dB SINAD.
520.83 (6250/12) bits per second, 2083.3 Hz
Mark tone.
1562.5 Hz Space tone, no Start, Stop, or
Parity bits.
7 bit ASCII, + 8th null bit (either 1 or 0), LSB
sent first
</= 12 dB SINAD
You can program a different PL code for each
RF frequency.
Decodes with Two-Tone codes >/= 400 Hz
Tone Frequency Range 36.6 to 254.1 Hz
Tone Accuracy > .05 Hz
Tone Decode Ban/- 1.1%
Digital, Golay (23,12) 23 bit digital word
Digital Data Rate 134.4 Hz nominal
Decode Turn on Time < 250 ms.
Decode Turn off Time < 1.2 s.
Number of codes 60 - Tone, 83 Digital
Table 7 Environmental
Operating temp range
-30 to +60°C
Humidity range
0 - 98%, non-condensing