LED Analyser
is an instrument that tests the HSI (Hue, Saturation, Intensity),
RGB (Red, Green, Blue Colour content), xyChromaticity, Dominant Wavelength and cct colour
temperature of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in a test process. An individual Led Analyser can
have up to 20* flexible Fiber-Optic Light Guides which are mounted individually over the LEDs
to be tested.
Emitted Light from the LEDs is guided through these Fiber-Optic Light Guides to the Analyser
where the raw data is stored. The raw data can then be read out of the Led Analyser through
the Serial or ICT Interfaces.
The ICT Interface is a 20-Pin Connector compatible with In-Circuit Test machines. There is a
choice of two operating modes using the ICT Interface. The first mode uses frequencies to
output the LED data and the second mode uses a high-speed Synchronous Serial Bus to output
the Led data.
The Serial Interface is a 3-Pin Connector with a 3 pin to 9 pin dtype cable (supplied)
compatible with the RS232 port on machines.
All Colours are derived from the three primary colours, Red, Green and Blue (RGB). The RGB
values are used to identify different colour LEDs.
The raw data from the Led under test is stored on the Led Analyser and output in different
formats as required through the Serial and ICT interfaces.
* Other options include 2,3,5,6,10.