Part No. SCAZ042891 1.3.4
Operating Instructions Scarab M6
Please remember, the information provided in this handbook is designed to ensure that the Scarab sweeper operates both safely and efficiently.
The design of this machine is for the removal of spoil on traffic or pedestrian areas also litter collection using the wander hose.
A poorly maintained machine will become unreliable, inefficient and potentially dangerous. Always observe the recommended maintenance and
safety related advice provided.
Unless it is wet or raining, ALWAYS use the low-pressure water spray system when sweeping. This will not only reduce the amount of dust
generated, it will also ensure more efficient collection of material. This is because wet material is heavier and will drop more readily from the air
stream inside the hopper. If swept dry more of the finer material will pass through the screen, wearing out the fan blades on its way back to the
environment behind you.
Operators should be trained in the following elements:
• Health & safety observations/notices
• Transit driving
• In-cab & external controls
• Hopper safety/cab prop use
• Brush setting
• Nozzle flap adjustment
• Correct sweeping operations
• Low & high pressure water systems
• Load discharge (tipping)
• Daily, weekly maintenance schedules
• End of day cleaning, ie: suction fan, fan screen & Machine body
Operator training can be provided by Scarab Sweepers upon request.
The LCD monitor’s USB connection is for uploading/downloading information (ONLY) and must not be used for any other purpose.
It is the responsibility of employers to carry out they own risk assessment for the machine, operators or other persons using or affected by the
machine and equipment.
Various safety, hazard and user information labels are fixed to the machine. These must be observed.
Only personnel qualified in the relevant disciplines should be allowed to work on any of the machines HYDRAULIC SYSTEM.
For information regarding vehicle operation and maintenance, refer to the chassis manufactures handbook.