C P C 1 0 0 1 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 1 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 1
Table 2.3
– Requirements to the supply voltages of CPC1001
From 3.3
to 5.25
From 2.0
to 3.3
The VDD_RTC voltage is not necessary for
power-up and normal operation of CPC1001-01 and is
used only for energy-independent power supply of
PCF8523TK real-time clock, installed only in this
Power consumption along the VDD_RTC circuit
– about 1 µA.
A voltage converter is installed in CPC1001-01, which brings the
input voltage VDD_IN to a level acceptable for feeding the processor
node with power; due to the losses in this converter, CPC1001-01
power consumption is 10-15% higher than that of CPC1001-02, where
the voltage VDD_IN is used directly for feeding power to the processor
From 3.3
to 4.5
From 2.8
to 3.3
The VDD_RTC voltage is required for power-up
and proper operation of CPC1001-02 and also for
energy-independent power supply of the real-time clock
integrated into the i.MX6 processor.
Power consumption along the VDD_RTC circuit is about 60
which makes the use of 2032 batteries unnecessary.
After power on, the CPC1001-02 provides a voltage of about 3V
to the VDD_RTC input; If it is necessary to protect the VDD_RTC
source from charging, it is recommended to use a
Schottky diode
or a
voltage stabilizer with reverse current protection on the carrier board.
When the power is supplied for the first time, the CPC1001 module turns on automatically; for the
CPC1001-01 version, the VDD_IN voltage would be sufficient, and for the CPC1001-02 version,
the VDD_RTC voltage is additionally required. In the future, as long as the necessary supply
voltages are maintained, the following possibilities exist for the CPC1001 to switch between the
"on" and "off" states:
- Power shutdown managed by operating system, a request for which can be initiated by short-
term grounding of the POWER_BTN # circuit.
- Forced shutdown in emergency cases (in particular, in case of system hangs), initiated by
continuous grounding of the POWER_BTN # circuit for more than 5 seconds.
“Manual” switching on, initiated by short-term grounding of the POWER_BTN # circuit.
- Scheduled activation using the alarm clock function of the real time clock integrated in the i.MX6
For grounding the POWER_BTN # circuit (pin P128 of the SMARC connector), the relevant button
on the carrier board can be used.
Switching on the CPC1001 can be delayed by keeping the VIN_PWR_BAD # signal (pin S150 of
the SMARC connector) at the low ("0") level. Only an open drain driver can be connected to this
circuit on the carrier board.