C P C 1 0 0 1 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 1 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 1
I2C-Flash 4 kB.
1.2.5 Connector MXM 3.0:
1 x port PCIe x1 (PCIe Base Spec. Rev 2.0), 5 GT/s;
1 x port USB 2.0 (host);
1 x port USB OTG 2.0;
1 x port SATA II (3-Gbps Gen. II);
1 x port Gbit Ethernet;
2 x SPI ports;
Port "LVDS Channel A": LVDS;
Port "HDMI 1.4 HD1080 @ 50Hz;
2 x CAN ports;
3 x I2C ports;
2 x I2S ports;
SDIO port (combined with GPIO ports);
3 x UART ports (LVCMOS, 64-byte FIFO, up to 4 Mbps);
port MMC 8-bit;
"RTC battery" port.
1.2.6 Operating system (hereinafter referred to as the OS) boot interfaces:
selection from eight alternative sources using three configuration inputs;
1.2.7 Watchdog timer: integrated into the processor - interval from 1
μs to 10 min;
1.2.8 Real Time Clock (power is supplied from the "RTC battery" port);
1.2.9 Software compatibility:
1.2.10 Power supply:
from 3.3 to 5.25 V for the version CPC1001-01;
from 3.3 to 4.5 V for the version CPC1001-02;
power consumption:
extreme loading scenario
– up to 9 W
realistic scenario of heavy load
– up to 5 W;
▪ sleep mode – about 100 mW.