Fastbind PUREVa Xt UsER manUal | v 1.0 | © maping Co 2014
extractOr hOOd and readiness
fOr fuMe extractiOn
6. fume eXTracTor
cOnnectiOn tO the extratOr hOOd
the machine is equipped with a fume extraction hood which
directs the fumes away from the operator towards the fume
extraction port.
either a connection to your existing external/outside ventilation
or a fume extraction unit is recommended for all pur glue
operations. no fume extraction device is included in the delivery.
the extractor hood has a work light which can be turned on/off
from the switch located on the upper edge of the hood.
the hood is equipped with fume exit connector port, and
the machine is equipped with 50mm (2”) and 100 mm (4”)
o warnIng!
Hot pur glue emits fume containing isocyanate. glue
fumes can be harmful. read the material safety data
sheet for the pur –glue before using the glue. do not use
PUR glue without sufficient fume extraction and proper
ventilation. Follow all local and federal guidelines for
proper ventilation.
o recoMMendatIon!
It is recommended to connect a sufficiently powerful fume
extraction device to the extractor hood to collect fume
emissions. always follow local rules and regulations.
bypass valve On the fuMe extractOrs
the extractor hood has a bypass vent on right side.
open the vent by bending and pulling the blue handle. the vent
is locked to the open position with magnets marked with green
highlight in the image.
Make sure that the bypass vent is closed when applying glue on
the book spine.
the bypass vent is opened to improve fume extraction from the
glue cartridge when adding pur glue or checking glue level. For
details, please, please see
glue cartridge Handling -section
6. FuME EXtractor