Fastbind PUREVa Xt UsER manUal | v 1.0 | © maping Co 2014
adding glue
8. addInG Glue and usInG THe byPass ValVe
!! IMportant!! ensure that the fume extraction device is
connected and switched on
lift the thermal case cover and place it in the designated area.
o warnIng!
do not toucH any Hot surFace at any tIMe or
you rIsk InJury
use only the glue cap handle to move the glue cap.
Move the heating dock sideways under the fume extractor bypass
vent using the applicator handle , and open the vent
remove the cap from the cartridge with the cartridge cap hook
and place the cap on storage tray.
o warnIng!
the glue cartridge cap is hot! do not toucH any
Hot surFace at any tIMe or you rIsk InJury
o warnIng!
Hot pur glue emits fumes which can be harmful if
inhaled. before removing the cap, ensure that
- the externally connected fume extractor is on and
- and the glue cartridge is securely connected in the
heating dock, positioned under the bypass vent, which
must be in the open position.
• Install the filling funnel on top of the glue cartridge.
o warnIng!
the glue cartridge is hot! do not toucH any Hot
surFace at any tIMe or you rIsk InJury
• Add more glue, maximum filling level 2/3 of the cartridge height,
see the picture.
o warnIng! do not oVerFIll
risk of injury !
risk of machine failure!
• Remove the filling tunnel
replace the cap on the glue cartridge, using the cap tool.
Move the heating dock back to home position
replace thermal casing covers
close the vent
wait a minimum 10 minutes before resuming normal operations
8. addInG GLuE and uSInG bYPaSS VaLVE