Fastbind PUREVa Xt UsER manUal | v 1.0 | © maping Co 2014
selecting the teMperature
5. conTrol Panel and TemPeraTure conTrol
standby/ autO-Off
the control panel indicates the selected temperature (pur or eVa).
• Select PUR when the glue head is filled with PUR-glue and EVA
when the glue head is filled EVA –glue.
when the indicator light is blinking, the glue head has not yet
reached the selected temperature.
the machine is equipped with timer and auto-off feature.
the timer starts when the machine is switched on.
pressing the temperature selection button resets the timer to zero.
auto-off turns the heaters off after 10 hours.
when the auto-off has turned the heaters off, the red standby –
light is lit.
when the temperature selection button is pressed, the machine
starts heating again.
5. controL PanEL and tEMPEraturE controL