FASTER TM T– Issue 00
FAS INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. Via Lago di Vico, 60 SCHIO (VI) – tel. +39 0445 502011 – fax +39 0445 502010 - e-mail: [email protected]
SPIRALI FASTER 3T (each product stored at the optimal temperature).
SPIRALI FASTER 3T with an electronic system make it possible to have three areas with different
temperatures, specifically:
top drawer area
where the temperature is approx. +10°C which is ideal for shelf-stable products.
middle drawer area
where the temperature can be set at +3°C for a good preservation of perishable food
substances which would not otherwise resist higher temperatures. To comply with “HACCP” principles
(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), a control, called the "refrigeration safety device", is provided
in this area to prohibit the sale of the product if the temperature exceeds the temperature which could
cause the product to perish.
bottom drawer area
where the temperature is approx. +6°C which is ideal for beverages and/or shelf-
stable products.
To guarantee the correct operation of the vending machine do not change the drawers
from their original positions.